ELEVEN. idiot, idiot, idiot

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ELEVENidiot, idiot, idiot

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idiot, idiot, idiot

tw: strong language, mentions of surgery, and mentions of injury

(season 3, ep 4)

"SO, AFTER ALL THAT YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN KISS!?" cleo questioned as she and scarlett walked away from security

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"SO, AFTER ALL THAT YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN KISS!?" cleo questioned as she and scarlett walked away from security. "for the tenth time, no." scarlett laughed. "i still don't get it." they both stopped walking and turned to face each other. "it just didn't happen." scarlett explained. "so you guys aren't like together?" cleo slightly tilted her head. "i'm not really ready." "that's understandable."

cleo looked over scarlett's shoulder and her expression changed. she saw hawk standing at his locker and rory was standing by the open locker door, talking to him. scarlett had told cleo everything about rory so she was almost just as angry at the image as scarlett was about to be. "what are you looking at?" scarlett gave her a look. "something you're not gonna like." cleo breathed out.

scarlett turned around and a scoff left her lips once she saw them. "i'm so done with this bitch." scarlett said as she started to walk over to them. "shit." cleo mumbled.

"hey." scarlett raised her voice, getting the attention of both of them. "hi, scar." hawk smiled. scarlett slightly went up on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around hawk's neck. as hawk was hugging her back, scarlett gave rory the side-eye.

"oh, hey rory." scarlett gave her a fake smile when hawk released her from his grip. "hi scarlett. i haven't seen you at the dojo recently. are you okay?" rory spoke in a condescending tone.

"it's not like it's any of your business but, i'm taking a break. if that's okay with you." rory rolled her eyes at scarlett before turning her attention back to hawk. "i'll see you at the dojo." rory said before walking away.

"really?" hawk smirked. "what?" scarlett looked up at him. "are we getting jealous already?" hawk teased. "i'm not jealous i just hate her." scarlett defended. "mhm." "shut up." scarlett pushed him.

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