TWENTY FIVE. Happy fucking New Year

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TWENTY FIVEHappy fucking New Year🍾❪ tw: strong language, implied underage drinking, threats, and mentions of rape ❫

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Happy fucking New Year
tw: strong language, implied underage drinking, threats, and mentions of rape

original chapter

             SCARLETT SAT IN FRONT OF her mirror swiping the mascara on her eyelashes as Sam fixed her hair next to her, Cleo did her own makeup in front of the full-length mirror and Mar sat on Scarlett's bed

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         SCARLETT SAT IN FRONT OF her mirror swiping the mascara on her eyelashes as Sam fixed her hair next to her, Cleo did her own makeup in front of the full-length mirror and Mar sat on Scarlett's bed. They were getting ready for the New Years Eve party Moon invited them to. "So, how's everything going with Hawk?" Mar asked as she texted in the dojo's group chat (it was mostly the guys complaining about how long they were taking).

     "Pretty good, actually." Scarlett looked at her through the mirror.

     Cleo turned away from the mirror looking back at Scarlett with a smile. "I'm glad you guys are finally a couple you've been in love for how long?"

     Couple. That word made Scarlett's stomach turn since it wasn't technically true. "What, Scar?" Sam looked at her with concern now they all seemed to notice the expression on Scarlett's face.

     Scarlett blinked a few times before she let out a sigh. "I wouldn't say we're a couple."

     "What do you mean?" Mar looked at her with a puzzled look.

     Scarlett turned in her seat to look at her. "I mean, we haven't put a label on it." She explained.

     Cleo was now getting up and moving closer to the rest of the group. "I don't want to seem like I'm being like mean to you or anything but don't you think if you don't set some type of intention any relationship you have isn't gonna end well."

     "Who are you, Nova?" Scarlett huffed.

     "She has a point though," Sam spoke up making Scarlett look at her.

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