Moon x Fem!Reader Part 1

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Had to update this chapter because of how I worded it, too many people thought Gregory was going to take on the readers punishment. The fault is mine, just figured I'd fix it so no more people got confused as to why I'd be letting a CHILD receive this kind of 'punishment' 😭

Y/n's POV

Finishing up the last bit of cleaning in the daycare your legs felt like jello, you hardly had any time to yourself while helping Sun with the kids, you enjoyed the job, but it was extremely tiring at times. Picking off the last bits of glitter glue off of the tables, you rubbed your eyes and yawned. It was about time time for the lights to go out and you didn't want to be here when Moon came out. To be fair the animatronic didn't seem to like you too much either, as you always gave him attitude when he attempted to speak with you.

Grabbing your items off of the security desk you made your way to the door, saying your goodbyes to Sun as your made your way out, whether it was pure luck or not as soon as you set foot out those doors the lights had shut off. Turning on your flashlight you made your way through the pizza-plex, it was quiet aside from the 'whirring' of the security bots, they always gave you the creeps.

"Y/n! Hey!" You jumped, turning around to see Freddy, besides him was a kid.

"Freddy? What are you doing out of your room? And who's the kid? Where are his parents? It's past Twelve!" You felt a headache coming on, you just wanted to relax in the security room, not deal with some little kid who managed to slip in and not get caught. "Apologies Y/n, I found him wandering around and figured I would come to find you, I thought you could help me find his parents or at least keep him someplace safe until the doors opened again" Freddy said, almost sounding sad for the little guy.

I sighed, squatting down in front of the kid I smiled "So what's your name Kiddo? Do you know where your parents are?" The kid stared for a moment before muttering out a "Gregory". I nodded, already seeing where this was going to go. "Well how about this, because I have to check up on everything, Freddy could you please keep him in your room until I get back?" I asked, giving Freddy a hopeful look, almost having to use puppy-dog eyes. To be honest, you really weren't going to check up on everything, there was security bots for a reason. You wanted to rest awhile.

"Of course! I will keep watch of him, if anything happens I will be sure to let you know, thank you for your help Y/n" Freddy smiled, though you couldn't help but think he was being slightly sarcastic. You nodded, giving Freddy a smile and waving him goodbye.

Watching them both walk back to Freddy's room you couldn't help but feel like something was watching you, feeling eyes burning into your back you looked around, only to see nothing.

Shrugging it off you turned around and continued your walk to the security room, making sure to peek into the other animatronics room to make sure they were all in their spots. Chica and Roxy were both doing their own little thing and Monty.. Was being Monty. Continuing on your way you felt that feeling of something watching you grow stronger, making you shiver. Quickening your pace you finally made it to the main security room, entering it you made sure to close and lock the door behind you, the feeling of being watched went away.

Almost throwing yourself into the chair you groaned, you finally had a moment to rest your legs, sometimes you wished you could leave this place, but it paid the bills. Leaning forward rested your arms and head on the cold metal table, dozing off. "It wouldn't hurt just to close my eyes for five minutes would it?" You asked yourself, knowing very well it wouldn't be five minutes. Shrugging it off you figured Freddy had the kid all under control..

Finally letting sleep take over you shut your eyes and fell asleep.

-Time skip, about an hour-

"Y/n..! Wake up! Y/n!" You shot up, startled from the sudden sound of your name being called. Looking around frantically you saw no one in the room with you until your realized it was coming from the Faz-watch you had on.

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