Moon x Fem!reader part 2 18+!

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This oneshot contains the following: Cursing, sexual activites, rough sexual activities, daddy/breeding kinks, and multiple tentacle dicks

 IF YOU ARE NOT 18+ OR NOT COMFORTABLE WITH READING THIS STUFF, DO NOT CONTINUE. If you get caught reading this and are under age, it is not my fault. 

 - He put his fingers together "I think it's time we go ahead and punish you now, yes?" -

Y/n's POV

Feeling a shiver run down your spine, you strangely felt turned on by his words. Looking up at him your eyes trailed down to his star covered plants, a blush erupting on your face when you saw the writhing mass of what looked like multiple tentacles in his pants. "Like what you see, y/n~?" Moon purred, stepping down from the desk, he walked towards you. "Now then, are we going to play along?" Moon loomed over you, feeling his fingers grasp your chin he forced you to look up at him. "Well Starlight?" The nickname made you shiver, you've never been this entranced by moon before, past punishments typically ended with you beaten and bruised, he had never done anything mildly sexual, you knew he hated you, though you never knew why.

Opening your mouth to speak you couldn't force any words out, so you just gave him a small nod, he gave a deep chuckle, "Good, good.. I love it when you play along with my punishments.." He took his hand away circling around your chair, tapping the tip of his finger on his chin, he clicked his tongue at you.

"Now strip" He said, looking down at you.

"I- What? I'm not-!" He cut you off with a swift slap to the face, grabbing the collar of your shirt he forced you closer to his face. "Are you going to listen? Or am I going to have to do this the hard way? And trust me.. Obeying me will be the least of your worries right now" He threatened, you cheek stung, your eyes watering a bit. "Alright.. fine" You agreed. 

Slowly unbuttoning your top you slipped it off, feeling embarrassed, you knew what was going to happen, and strangely, you enjoyed it. The feeling of moon being rough with you in a sexual way made your body feel hot, you wanted him, and he knew it. 

Finally taking off your pants you stood in front of moon, your face a bright red, you attempted to cover up as much as you could, your dark blue bra and underwear didn't necessarily help with this whole endeavor. Feeling his eyes on you, you gulped, mustering up the courage to look up at him.

He was muttering something under his breath as he stared at you, looking around awkwardly you muttered his name "..Moon?" it was barely a whisper. His eyes shot up to yours "Didn't I say Strip?" He asked, "You.. can't be serious right? You want me to take off everything?!" You felt anger bubble up inside you "That's exactly what I want, now do it before I do it myself" He spat, he was growing impatient. Gritting your teeth together you unclipped your bra and pulled off your already soaked underwear, feeling self conscious of both your chest and your lower regions being fully exposed to moon. 

"Good Girl... Now come here" He motioned, balling up your fists you walked up to him, keeping your head down. He took a strand of your hair, twirling it between his fingers before tucking it behind your ear, dragging his fingers down your cheek he brought them to your chin, making you look up at him, "Look at you.. Such a pretty toy for me.." He licked his lips, making you shiver. he looked at you before forcing his lips onto yours, you groaned into the kiss, opening your mouth, feeling his tongue explore your mouth, he twirled his tongue around yours, grabbing your ass he sat you down onto the security desk, releasing for a gasp of air, saliva connected both of your tongues, "Who knew you were such a little slut for me.." Moon smiled, you didn't answer, instead you clawed at his pants, your cunt was dripping at this rate, begging to be stuffed, you couldn't stand it anymore. Moon removed your hands "You want my cock? Beg for it" You looked up at him with pleading eyes. 

"Please.. Moon.. please" You whimpered, "Tsk. Tsk. Not good enough, do you want my dick or not starlight? I don't mind making you wait-" "For fucks sake Moon, Please! I need you to fuck me until I can't move my legs, please!" You begged, you didn't even feel ashamed, you just wanted him inside of you, you couldn't stand the feeling of him being so close yet so far to filling up your soaked cunt. 

Satisfied with your begging, Moon removed his pants, your eyes widened to the entanglement of tentacles that writhed where his dick would be, "What the fuck? Why is there so many?!" You felt almost threatened, you didn't know how he would even come close to fitting inside of you. 

Moon ignored your question and grabbed your legs, forcing you closer to him, you felt his mass touch your soaked cunt, teasing you. "Look at you, all wet for me.. You must like being treated like a little fuck doll, huh starlight?" folding your legs back towards you he forced himself into you, moaning out you felt two of the three tentacles enter you, pulsating inside of you, "Fuck starlight.. so damn tight" he hissed. thrusting farther into you" Ah.. Ah! Moon! Fuck!" You whimpered, feeling another tentacle rub at your clit. "That's right, call my name you little slut" He grinned, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the way his dicks were pulsating inside of you, it all felt so good! 

"Ah.. Ah~! Oh fuck Moon!" You moaned out. He shoved his tongue into your mouth, silencing you, grabbing your hair he pounded into you harder. "Mmph!" you let out a muffled moan, feeling a tentacle enter your ass, clawing at moons back he started growl, stopping momentarily he picked you up and set your back on the floor, pushing your legs up towards your chest. Entering you again. "That's right.. moan for me my little fuck doll, moan for daddy" he growled, his red lust filled eyes peering down at you, "I'm going to breed you till you can't walk straight, fill you to the brim with my seed, you'd want that wouldn't you, you little slut.." he thrusted deeper, hitting your cervix. You winced in pain, letting out a strangled moan, "Sorry starlight, you just feel so fucking good, who knew you were such a little freak.. And you're all mine.. You hear that? I own you, you little slut" He growled at you, "Fuckkk~ Yes! Yes..!" You moaned out "I'm close! Fuck! Please let me cum, moon please!" You begged, feeling his tentacles hit your G spot, your eyes rolling to the back of your head you formed incoherent sentences as white dots blurred your vision, you could hardly hear what moon was saying as you orgasmed on his dicks. 

You heard moon moan out as he finished inside of you, filling you with his cum, "Naughty.. Finishing before me.. I'll let it slide just this once since you've been such a good girl for me.." Moon lowered himself, giving you a small kiss on the lips, gazing lovingly into your eyes. 

"You're mine now y/n, and if I see you with anyone else I'm going to fuck the living daylights out of you.. You hear?" you nodded, feeling moon slip out you, he picked you up bridal style, taking you to the daycare bathroom to help you clean up. 

For once you were happy with one of the punishments moon gave you.. You just hoped this wouldn't be the last.

1320 words

First smut of the book! I really hope y'all liked it, this is my first time writing this kind of stuff so I hope you enjoyed, if you have any tips on how to make this better then let me know! 

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