Eclipse x Intruder!Reader

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This was requested by @ShadowBorkBork

A/N: Terribly sorry about the long wait on updates, I have not been feeling well recently, so trying to keep updates consistent has been hard. I hope you all understand, anyways- Enjoy!

Your POV

It was late at night when you were tasked with the lovely dare of breaking into the Mega Pizza-plex that had recently opened up. Your friends pointed and laughed at you in their drunk state, flipping them off you put your hood up, trying to hide as much of your face as you possibly could 

"Good luck, y/n! Don't get scared and chicken out!" Alex, someone who you deeply disliked but kept around for your friends' sake, since they all seemed to love him.. Giving him a dirty look you stuffed your hands in your pockets. Making your way around the building you found the back doors that you assumed likely led to the trash or something, you didn't know, you've only been in there once and it was for that stupid Roxy raceway your friends wanted to try out so badly.

You didn't like that egotistical wolf animatronic that ran that specific area, she was annoying.

Fidgeting with the handle you managed to push on the door hard enough, breaking the lock you rolled your eyes, huffing in annoyance. You figured since this place was new they'd try and up the security, especially with all of the expensive animatronics they had inside. You were really hoping none of the outside doors would've been this accessible. But knowing your friends they would try to find a way to get you in if you came back 'empty handed'.  

That's right, you had to go in and GRAB something from inside, to prove you actually went inside, it was stupid.

You really needed new friends.

Setting the broken handle down in the grass you made your way inside, closing the door quietly behind you, you made sure to wedge something in the doorway, just incase it would somehow magically lock itself, even though the lock was already done for.

Trying to be as quiet as possible you walked through the dimly lit hallway, trying to not hit any of the boxes that littered the hallway floor. Finally making it to another door you quietly opened it, stepping inside the actual Pizza-plex part.

You were captivated by all of the lights, they didn't have this many turned on when you went for the first time.

Making your way through you tried to look for any easy accessible gift shop, or any place that would have something you could grab. Unfortunately for you, luck wasn't on your side tonight. You were lucky enough to find a daycare pass though.

You knew if you showed it to your friends they'd probably point and laugh. Who would care if you got a daycare pass? Not them! They would want you to grab a T-shirt or a stuffed animal, likely something that could be tied up and burned in a bonfire as some kind of weird sacrifice bullshit.

Searching for the daycare you assumed since it was for kids, that would be the best place to find a stuffed animal, or something of like. 

Your eyes lit up when you found it, entering the first doors you looked around, glad to see no more security bots, you didn't want to know what would've happened if you got caught by one.

Walking through you enjoyed the art on the walls, taking note of the two posters, each with a different animatronic. 

"Sundrops.. and Moondrops?" You questioned, it looked like they were advertising some kind of candy.

Taking your eyes away from the posters you continued to look around, having no luck with finding any kind of plushie. You looked at the next door, seeing no possible way in you almost gave up until noticing the small blue light at the far right of it, grabbing the daycare pass out of your pocket you slipped it through the card taker, hearing a beep. 

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