Moon x Neko!Reader 18+

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This oneshot was requested by @ShadowBorkBork 


Also, I hope you guys don't mind a very.. VERY long One-shot, It's a bit of a slow burn, but it's worth it. ;) But please do let me know if you guys don't like the long one-shots, I can write them to be much shorter in the future! Enjoy!


You've recently been hired at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex, being more than overjoyed to be able to work at the place you had visited as a child you got dressed rather quickly, making an effort to keep your tail from fluffing out in excitement, you remembered the first time you visited there as a child, you were practically the star show at the time for your unnatural ears and tail, you were what people would refer to as being a 'cat girl' or a 'neko' It wasn't all too bad. Though you would get rather anxious and shy from all the onlookers, and many wanted to touch and feel your tail and ears.

You didn't blame them, your ears and tail were quite soft, but very sensitive. As a child it would hurt with how overly sensitive they would get. You were happy people liked these things about you, some were quite rude and thought it made you a monster, but your parents urged you to ignore them, they were like you. Unfortunately they had both passed on due to old age (Using the whole thing of cats age faster than humans). It was a sad thought, but it was the circle of life.

You clapped your hands onto your face, squishing your cheeks in attempts to clear your mind, you needed to get ready. You were hired to work nightshift, the manager figured you would be perfect for catching any intruders due to your agility and being able to see in the dark. You were a perfect fit for the job. 

Putting on your suit you stuffed your tail through the makeshift hole in the work pants, seeing as they had none that were meant for Neko's. Buttoning up your blouse and putting on your hat, which covered your ears in an uncomfortable way. You looked in the mirror, proud to have gotten dressed in less than ten minutes you grabbed your bag full of extra clothes, snacks, drinks, and a small bag of catnip (You needed something to keep yourself awake). Grabbing your keys you rushed out the door, locking it behind you.

It was a rather chilly night out, jogging to your car you got in, starting up the engine you made your way to your new job site, excited for what tonight would bring you...

After about fifteen minutes of driving you finally approached the large establishment, your eyes widening with wonder at all the lights on, it was stunning! You parked you car as close to the entrance as you could, people were getting ready to leave, as it was almost 10 o' clock. 

Getting inside you clocked in, waving to your fellow co-workers you made your way to the managers office, giving a few small knocks you were granted entry. 

"Hello, miss Y/n! Glad to see you got here on time!" Your boss said, a smile on his face.

 You smiled back, "Of course! Wouldn't want to be late on my first day of working!" You said.

"Well now that you're here, let's discuss the area where you'll be patrolling since we didn't have time to discuss that last meet up" He pulled up a map on his laptop, showing you it.

"You'll be working in this section" he pointed to an area labeled 'Daycare'. 

"The animatronic there is capable of keeping out intruders but sometimes some things don't go to plan, we already have enough night guards in all the other sections, its just... some people have trouble in this specific area, but I think you'll do great!" He clapped his hands together. 

You gave him a small nod "I'm sure I'll be able to take care of it all just fine, boss" 

"Great! I'm glad you're confident! It looks like the pizza plex will be closing soon. Andrew, one of the closing shift managers will be waiting by the security table next to the entrance to show you where your key card, flashlight, etc will all be" Boss smiled, "Have fun on your first night, miss y/n!" 

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