Moon x reader 18+

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IF YOU ARE NOT 18, AND HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE FOLLOWING: Rough sexual activities, steamy tongue action, or cursing THEN PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE, thanks :)

Also, I did try to add gender neutral, please forgive me if it's not up to your expectations as it's my first time, if there's anything that needs to be changed then feel free to comment about it!


After a year of working at the pizza-plex you had finally been switched off to the daycare technician, months of asking your boss to switch you so you wouldn't have to work with that suffocating, narcissistic, selfish wolf animatronic had finally paid off.

Yes you had worked in the daycare before, you liked suns rather cheerful and carefree personality, though you never quite got along with moon, always very stubborn and aggressive when it came to him getting checkups, but you couldn't blame him, he was terrified of being scrapped. He knew very well that Sun would always be the one to stick around, since he was more friendly towards the children and didn't scare them quite as easily.

But days became weeks and he had finally showed some sort of 'liking' towards you, as if he slowly accepted the fact that you weren't there to hurt him, nor scrap him like he initially feared. This acceptance of you soon grew into a strange obsession, getting extremely upset when you had to leave, or even take Sun for checkups alone. 

You always felt it was because you were his only friend of sorts, you knew they weren't capable of feeling love, at least that's what you thought, it never occurred to you that it was possible, it just update by update. 

After about a week of Moon being aggressive, your boss had moved you to Roxy's Raceway where you'd do weekly check-ups on her instead, and you hated it. She always went on and on about how great she was, at first you didn't mind, but then it just got annoying. Eventually you learned to block it out but after months of working there and constant begging, boss had moved you back.

You weren't going to lie, being moved back to the daycare was a bit scary, you didn't know how Moon was going to react, you were afraid he'd be angry and try to hurt you, as you were painfully unaware of the recent updates they've acquired. 

Walking in you checked the time, you were about two hours early, clocking in you slipped in through the second pair of doors, locking them behind you. 

You chewed your lip nervously, pulling at the loose string that was on the sleeve of your work shirt you made your way to the daycare, the anxiety in your chest worsening. You didn't realize coming back here would cause your nerves to go off the walls, you were sure everything would go alright, but why does it feel like it'll all go horribly wrong as soon as you step foot inside?

Making it to the doors you took a deep breath, pushing them open you were met with an unlit daycare, your heart dropped. You at least wanted to meet with Sun first before having to see Moon again, but you were already inside, and judging from the red eyes staring down at you, you knew you couldn't back out now.

"Y/n?" Moons voice called out, it was deeper, seems they pitched the cutesy voice for him. Walking up to him you noticed how he was at least a foot or two taller now, you guessed it was for getting kids off of the tops of the jungle gyms. 

"Hey Moon, it's been awhile" You gave him a small wave, a bit of that anxiety making its way to your throat, you were scared shitless, he seemed so much more threatening when it was pitch black dark, now you understood why all those children went home with nightmares.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you left" He asked, you noticed the slight hiss in his voice. He sounded angry, upset, and betrayed. Taking a step towards you, the bells on his outfit jingled, though it didn't help ease the tension.

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