Eclipse x FTM!reader NSFW

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This is my first time writing a trans reader, please bare with me and understand that everything may not be correct. I ask that instead of getting angry with me in the comments, that you politely correct me and give helpful criticism. Thank you.

Anything that is deemed offensive will be changed.  

I changed the term 'clit' to dick, and vagina/cunt to 'hole'. I hope this works for those who read this as I'm not sure what terms everyone prefers to use. 

Anyways, please enjoy!


Readers POV, reminiscing on the past before tomorrows events.

How long had it been since you first started working here? You asked yourself, sitting in the breakroom of the daycare.

...About 4 years? you pondered for a moment, remembering the very first day you had started. You had been assigned to work with Chica, taking care of all her cleaning and what-not.. Then it moved over to Roxy, and then to Monty, and then finally to Freddy. Who you had been working with the longest. 

Working with Freddy was probably the most fun you'd ever had at the pizza plex, he always gave you such dad vibes, calling you superstar and what-not. It never failed to make you smile, especially given the fact that you lived so far from your parents. 

Though, the one thing that really tugged your heart, was the way his love and care for you never faulted once. Throughout the half year you worked with him, you had gone through major changes, ones that made you feel happy with your body. 

You cut your hair, you started taking testosterone, you wore a binder. It was all such a massive change, but you felt happy. 

Freddy was happy for you. 

But you supposed he was always programmed to be that way, you were unsure if he truly understood the changes you were going through. But that was okay, he always supported you despite not understanding, and that was enough for you. 

A sad smile plastered itself on your face, you missed those times, all those conversations. It was a true shame that you had been moved to the daycare. You didn't really hate kids, nor did you hate the daycare attendants, you just missed the atmospheric calmness that was Freddy. 

Of course working with the daycare attendants had its perks, you had gotten to know both Sun and Moon, each with their own personality, likes and dislikes. It had taken a long time to get used to Suns' outgoing and explosive behavior, always being loud and calling for sock puppet shows. Moon on the other hand, you didn't have much trouble getting used to, often talking to the animatronic while you sat at the desk during nap time. 

Though he always had a problem with staring at you, those red eyes of his had always made you feel so small. 

Which, in reality you really were small compared to the two, the both of them were at least seven to eight feet tall. 

However, things changed after you left and came back after a month of recovery from your top surgery. Sun and Moon hadn't talked to you for a good week, they made it a point to ignore your whole existence. 

Which hurt.

But in reality, it was your own fault that they were unhappy with you, you hadn't told them that you were going to be on leave for a while. So when the time came, they didn't understand why you weren't there, and why there was a random person taking care of the daycare shifts. 

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