New Year Gift

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Author here, 

Thanks to constant bombardment of updating again, I have decided to come back to update ONE chapter. Whether that's to rewrite a previously uploaded one-shot, write a second part to any of the already published, or write a completely new one-shot with one of the three (moon, sun, or eclipse). 

And I mean it, just one chapter, not two, not three.


After that this account will likely never be touched again since I now primarily post all of my writings to ao3, all of which being One Piece related.

I am completely done with the FNAF:SB fandom, and as much as I would love to delete this absolute dumpster fire of a fanfic book, I'm not going to. 

You have until the tenth of January to bombard this post with all of your requests, the one that is most requested will be the 'winner'. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday week.

Happy new year! 

P.S. I see all of your thirsty comments, and I am heavily disappointed in a lot of you. 

Some of y'all funny though. 

Moon/Sun Oneshots DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now