Sun x reader -New friend-

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"Alright and here we are! This is the area where you'll be assisting the daycare animatronic Sun, he'll fill you in on the details of what you have to get done! Good luck!" The worker chirped, turning on her heel she left with a smile and a wave. Looking up at the large brown doors you pushed them open, your eyes widening in amazement at the two large statues in the middle of the room. 

Walking in you inspected the two statues, you had only been informed of the one named 'Sun' you had no idea who the other was. Shrugging it off you figured you'd figure out about it later, you had more important things to attend to. 

Searching for a door you came across a colorful slide, figuring it was the only way down you hopped in, hearing the joyful screams of children grow louder. Finally getting to the end your body was engulfed by multiple, probably bacteria covered balls. Making your way to the other side of the ball pit you climbed out, looking around seeing multiple children running around, some were coloring, others were messing with a very tall sun animatronic. 

"Uh, excuse me?" You approached him, tugging on his shirt, you couldn't reach his shoulder due to his height "Oh! A new friend! Don't you think you're a little too old to be here?" He asked, bending down to your height, "Uh.. I don't know if you were informed but I'm new here! I'll be assisting you with all of your typical duties like taking care of the children and so on" You smiled. 

"Oh.. Oh! Of course! How could I forget! Silly me! Haha! My name is Sun!" He grabbed your hand shaking it rather quickly, "I'll have to show you the schedule I have put together so you're not lost on what to do! I'll be right back!" He skipped away, the bells on his wrists jingling. You already felt overwhelmed by suns joyful and outgoing nature, you could tell it was going to be one hell of a ride working with him. 

Looking around the daycare, you could almost hear your inner child squealing with excitement, you felt the urge to run into one of the jungle gyms, wanting to feel that child-like wonder again. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a crash, and a child crying. Snapping out of your thoughts you made your way towards the little girl on the floor holding her knee. A young boy stood over her, holding onto a stuffed bear. "You don't need this stupid bear! You're too old to have baby stuff!" The boy yelled down at her, sticking out his tongue. 

"Hey! You do not speak to others that way!" I scolded the young boy, taking the bear from his grasp, turning around you helped the little girl up, brushing her off. "Now tell her your sorry or I will have Sun deal with you" you crossed your arms, expecting the boy to apologize to the little girl. "Well.. She started it! She wouldn't let me play with the bear! It isn't fair!" He stomped his foot, glaring at you. "Do you own the stuffed bear?" you asked the boy, he shook his head "Exactly, if you don't own it, then it isn't yours to take, now maybe if you were nice and politely asked her for her stuffed bear she might've let you play with it" You said calmly, trying to calm him down. 

He crossed his arms and looked at the little girl "I'm sorry I pushed you and tried to take your bear" He mumbled, sticking out his lower lip "See? Now that wasn't so hard!" patting his shoulder you turned to the little girl, she smiled at you and walked over to the little boy "It's okay! If you just wanted to play with Mr. Bear you could've just asked! Here! Just don't hurt him please!" She smiled, one of her front teeth were missing making it all the cuter. 

"Now then" you started "Let's go get you patched up" taking the girls hand you led her to the security desk, finding a small first aid kit you cleaned up her scrape and put a band-aid on it "There, all better!" You smiled, the little girl hugged you and said a quick 'thank you' before running off to play again. 

Sun made his way towards the security desk, holding onto a slip of paper "Well it seems to me that you're more than capable of working here!" He smiled, patting your head. "Sorry it took me so long, I was just about to come find you when I saw you were dealing with the two children, you handled that well!

"Why thank you Sun, I'm glad that you think so! So what will we be doing next? It's almost 5pm". Sun tapped his chin, looking at the schedule. "Well it looks like it's just about time to start cleaning up and getting settled down to have our nap time!" Placing the paper on the security desk sun cupped has hands around his.. 'mouth' "It's time to start cleaning up everyone!" He announced, most of the kids stopped what they were doing and began cleaning up their messes.

"Care to help me clean up a bit y/n?" Sun offered his hand, "Of course sunny!" You chirped, smiling at him.  


'Sunny? did she just call me sunny?' I questioned in my head, it wasn't unusual for people to give me such a nickname but why did it sound so.. good coming from her? Picking up some toys and paper I looked over and watched y/n clean up some stuffed animals, smiling and talking to a few of the kids who showed her their drawings. I smiled, I think I'm going to enjoy having her around, she already seems to be such a wonderful helper.. 

But what if she gets hurt? What if the lights go out and Moon does something to her? He wouldn't hurt staff would he? I second guessed myself, feeling doubt creep up on me. 

"Sunny? You alright there buddy?" Y/n waved her hands in front of my face, making me snap back to reality. "Oh! Yes of course Y/n! I am fine!" I reassured her, those feelings melting away when I looked into her e/c eyes. "Cmon, we got everything cleaned up, what's next?" She asked "Uh.. Oh! Right! we need to begin setting out the sleeping mats! I'll show you where those are located!

-Small time skip- 

After getting all of the mats laid out, all of the kids started grabbing their assigned pillows and blankets, finding the mat that they wanted they got everything situated, waiting for the lights to turn off so that they could rest for a few hours before going back to playing again. "Alright sunny! I think we got everything pretty much taken care of, unless I'm missing something?" Y/n asked, looking at me. "Nope you did wonderful! It's almost time for lights out, you'll have to stay by the security desk until 8:30pm rolls around!" I turned her around, walking her to the desk.

"You're not going to stay with me?" She asked. "Well, yes and no. I wont be here but Moon will" I said, almost regretting it "Moon? Who's moon?" She asked, "They didn't tell you?" I questioned "Nope, they only told me about you, I know I saw another statue in the main room of the daycare, but I figured he had been decommissioned or something" I chuckled at her statement, "Unfortunately no, me and moon are technically the same person, just different looks and personalities, when the lights go out my looks right now get switched out to look like a Moon, hint Moons name, he is the naptime animatronic I am the Daytime Animatronic, if that makes sense!" I said, looking down at her she looked mildly confused but didn't question any further.

"Well then I suppose it's time for lights out, I had fun meeting you Y/n!" I waved goodbye, walking to the tower where I would reside until lights when out.

I just hope I'll be able to see her again... 

1368 words

A bit of a fluff one shot, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! 

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