Humanoid!'Eclipse' x Reader 18+

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I know the chapter name is going to throw some people off, so the 'bot' in this chapter is of course human like, and it does appear to look like sun but later on he switches to moons personality and what not, so I suppose it could be like Eclipse? Regardless, I'm sure you will all enjoy it, so carry on! :) - Author

P.S Please do let me know if there's any spelling errors.


You watched in anticipation as the FedEx driver arrived at your house, ever since your roommate has been busying himself with work you've been left alone to do most of the cleaning and cooking, which left you very tired.

After some searching you had finally found the perfect little friend to help you around the house, he was a cute little robot, build for typical household stuff like dishes, laundry, dusting, etc.. You were overjoyed to figure out he was completely water proof and almost damage resistant, meaning you wouldn't have to worry about anything ruining him

You were surprised to see a rather large box being hauled towards your door, you figured you'd have to put it together, you just hoped it wasn't too complicated.

Opening the door you signed the paper and hauled the box inside, dusting off your hands you went to the kitchen to grab a knife, wandering back into the main room you started cutting away the tape, opening up the box you were very, very much surprised to see a full bodied robot, not even close to the one you ordered online.

This one had hair and everything, his face was rather nice, he had soft features. Moving some of the bubble wrap, you took notice of the bold writing on it's shoulder, reading SUN. 

You figured that was it's name, rubbing your hands across his smooth surfacing, you were surprised to see a very interesting add-on. Your face turned red, "Oh my.. and to think they'd have to add this onto a cleaning robot? What is this? some kind of sex doll?" You asked yourself, you were glad your roommate was off to work or he likely would've thought it was some form of a sex robot, there to help please you. 

You looked back at it, your mind going deeper and deeper into the gutter you bit your lip "I mean.. what's the harm in that.." You looked at the robots face, it was quite creepy with his eyes being blank, but still somehow handsome.

You felt stupid for calling a robot handsome, but felt it was necessary seeing how 'well built' he looked. Finally gathering up the strength you pulled him out of his box, unwrapping him even more, figuring out his skin felt strangely real, like he actually had human skin. You knew it was silly seeing as his skin was literally yellow, it was likely a form of silicone.

Running your hands along his chest you searched for any kind of button, finally coming across a button on the right side of his neck you pressed it, jumping at the sound of the robot powering up. 

You watched as his eyes came to life, they were simply just white, no pupils or any form of color, slightly off putting but you could deal with it. Waiting a few moments he looked down at you, even if he was a robot he still towered over you by a few feet. 

"Uh.. Hello" You waved to him, he copied the action,  "Hello, I am SUN, your personalized house-care assistant! How may I be of service today?" His voice was low, almost soothing. You smiled "Well first, we need to get you somethi... Wait hold on, you said personalized? Meaning I personalized everything on you? I was the one who made your body and everything else?" You questioned.

"to an extent, my manufactures gave me my name, ID Number, and build." Sun replied, "And the color? What of that?" You asked, "You chose this color" You looked at him, why was it so difficult for you to remember?

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