Sundrop x reader {fluff}

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In this one shot Y/n will have a sun and moon tattoo on her arm, doesn't matter where they are, you decide. 


Entering the familiar doors of the pizza-plex you made your way to the front counter, grabbing your name tag and clocking in, saying a quick 'hello' to your fellow co-worker Sammy, you were somewhat excited because today you would be working in a different section of the pizza-plex, this being the daycare. 

Though it doesn't sound fun to most people, you've always been great with kids, you're what most would describe as a 'magnet' and that wasn't always a good thing. Kids would often leave their parents to come and tell you how cool your 'body drawings' were, which lead to you being scolded for 'distracting and possibly harming' their child. 

But it did have its upsides. 

Clipping on your name tag, you made your way to the daycare, hearing the excited squeals of kids grow louder the closer you got to the actual entrance to the main part of the place, opening up the doors you peeked your head inside, trying to find anyone you could talk with to explain that you've been moved over to this section.

Walking inside, closing the door softly behind you, you made your way to the security desk, finding a clipboard of numerous tasks, some of which had checkmarks on them already. Making your way down the list you failed to notice the tall sun animatronic standing in front of you. Finally taking notice your eyes widened, having to look up at a rather uncomfortable angle, as the jester-looking animatronic was at least seven feet tall. 

"Heello! I'm Sun! or Sunny, or Sundrop! whichever you prefer!" he stopped to take a breath, holding out his hand "and you are?" finally getting the gist of what was going on you took his hand, an embarrassed blush covering your cheeks "Sorry, my names Y/n, I'll be taking on shifts here for now on, I'm sure you heard that the previous worker here left for.. unknown reasons" You gave Sundrop an awkward smile, "Oh, well that's just great! I love making new friends!" Sundrop said, giving your hand a solid shake before putting it down.

"Right.. so, can you tell me the typical routine that's done here? I saw that there was a schedule, is there any particular way that you do that?" you questioned, picking up the clipboard. "Oh, haha! I really don't use that silly thing! I have everything planned out in my head" He his finger and tapped on his forehead "I have no use of documenting things when I can remember it all" He said in a proud manner. 

"Okay.. so how am I supposed to know what to do and when to do it" you questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Well that's a stupid question, you come to me of course!" Sundrop said bluntly, you straightened your lips and looked down, not appreciating the fact that he practically called you stupid. You already didn't appreciate how he was treating you, though you had to guess this is probably why the other worker left. 

Maybe sundrop didn't like the fact that there were other people in here helping him? Maybe he felt threatened that his job as a daycare attendant was being stripped from him by others who he might not see fit to take care of twenty plus children at a time. 

"Sorry that was rude of me wasn't it..?" He said softly, scratching the back of his.. 'head' "Huh? Oh no you're fine! I was just thinking! No need to worry" You assured him, he didn't look like he quite believed you, but left it where it was. 

"Anyways! it's almost time for naptime, so I'll show you how to get everything situated!" Sundrop turned, you watched as he cupped his hands around his smile, "It's time to clean up everyone! If you can all get everything picked up in five minutes you'll all get candy after nap-time!" He yelled out, turning around to look at you.

"Do you even have candy here?" You questioned, he chuckled "No, but they typically forget that I even mentioned anything about candy once they wake up" You snorted "What a monster you are" You joked, he let out a fake gasp, placing a hand on his chest trying to look offended but failing due to his permanent smile. 

"Everything's cleaned up Mr. sun!" Sundrop clapped his hands together "Wonderful! Now it's time we all grab our sleeping mats and blankets! remember to space out at least a leg length from each other!" Sundrop said, patting one of the kids on the back, ushering them to go grab their items. 

"You seem to have it all figured out" You said, arms crossed, Sundrop turned to look at you, "Well, I enjoy doing what I do! Kids wont have fun if you're not having fun right alongside with them, you have to match their energy!" He said cheerfully. 

You nodded in agreement, knowing well enough not to argue with him, you watched as the kids laid down on their mats, covering themselves with their blankets. "Don't we turn off the lights?" You questioned, turning around sundrop looked at you as if you just threw a child off a cliff. 

"No, we don't. Not anymore" He said, almost sounding.. Angry? "Alright.. Well is there any place that workers go to as to not disturb the sleeping children?" You questioned, rocking back and forth on your feet. 

"There is a staff room yes, I'll show you where it is" Sundrop said, he seemed lost in thought now, not really willing to talk with you after what you had asked, you didn't mean to offend the sun animatronic, you didn't think asking if the lights were to be turned off would make him this upset, but then again you don't know everything that goes on in the daycare, you only just got transferred over here from Roxy's Raceway.

He showed you to a decent sized room, it had a nice sized coffee table with a couple of chairs, a coffee maker, a sink, and a minifridge. You assumed this is where the daycare staff would spend the majority of their time, but seeing as you are the only worker here (aside from sundrop) it wouldn't be hard to make it better suited for you. 

"I would sit in here sometimes with the staff as the children slept and talk with them" Sundrop said, reminiscing on hopefully happy memories. "Well you're free to stay in here and keep me company" You offered, pulling out a chair. 

"I would be happy to!" Closing the door behind him, he looked at the light switch for a moment, finally turning to you he sat down, staring at you. "So uh.. about the lights?" You questioned, tapping the tabletop with your finger tip. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I'm just.. curious" You said, rolling up your sleeves, you'd have to remember to bring a fan of sorts in here.

Sun looked as if he were about to speak before taking notice of the tattoos on your right arm, he gasped pointing at it, "You have a sun drawing on your arm?!" he had to refrain himself from grabbing your arm and pulling you across the table just to look at it.

"Huh? Oh, my tattoos? yeah! I also have a moon one!" You smiled twisting your arm to show him the other one, he stared for a moment, almost in awe. "Sundrop?" You questioned, waving your hand in front of his face.

The lights flickered for a moment before Sundrop finally broke out of his daze, grabbing your arm he ran his fingers over the sun tattoo. "They look pretty on you" he said quietly. 

You couldn't help but blush at the softness of his voice, it sounded so sincere. "Oh well- I.. Thank you?" You stumbled over your words, taking your arm back you scratched the back of your neck. 

"Of course! Anything to make my Y/n happy!" you raised an eyebrow at the 'my y/n' part, not really knowing what he meant by that, though you didn't bother questioning.

1428 words

This will be a three part one shot, I'll be working on the other two the rest of this week, sorry I haven't been updating as much, school has been getting in the way, teachers are not merciful with their homework they assign us. Anyways, have a good day/night!

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