Sun/Moon x Reader {Midnight fun} 18+

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This is an 18+ one shot, if you are underage and caught reading it, I am not to blame. 

This one shot contains the following: Sexual activities, tentacle dicks, degrading, threesomes, cursing, slight breeding kink? and mentions of blood.

 - In this one shot both sun and moon will be different animatronics. 

Suns text will look like this 

Moons text will look like this 


Escorting the last child out of the daycare you sighed, finally happy to be done with all the children, it was nearing 12 and you still had a large amount of cleaning to do. Thankfully, both Sun and Moon opted to help due to the amount of birthdays we had today, the place was a wreck. 

You found it strange that Moon was out and about even though the lights were on, you figured the bright lights would blind him. You weren't complaining, you enjoyed the presence of both animatronics, and found the both of them quite pleasing, they hardly ever caused a ruckus, but did have their moments of teasing you, sometimes those teasing remarks would come out more sexual than playful leaving you flustered, it surprised you that Sun was capable of saying such things seeing as he was built to watch kids. 

"Sunny, Moon! You guys ready to clean?!" I yelled out, looking for the two. Sun and moon appeared from their balcony, "We'll be down in a moment Sunshine! Me and Moon are discussing something real quick" You raised a brow, wondering what it was they were talking about, it seemed to be quite the conversation as Moon had a perverted look on his face. 

Seeing as it was none of your business you carried on, wandering to the back room to grab cleaning supplies, tonight was a deep clean night and you were not looking forward to it, having to crawl through many small spaces, crawling through slides to wipe them down, it was always energy consuming, you were just happy you had sunny and moon there to help you.

Grabbing small hand towels and multiple different disinfectant and cleaning sprays, you got them all stuffed into a crate, picking it up you brought it out to the security desk, seeing moon and sun were standing there waiting on you. 

Placing it down you let out a small huff. "So whos doing what?" you asked the two animatronics, "Me and sun were thinking about getting the slides and ball pit, we figured you could get the smaller places since me and Sun can't really fit through them" Moon said, looking over at Sunny. 

Sunny messed with his fingers, it seemed he wanted to say something but was shushed with a small kick to the foot by moon, raising an eyebrow you didn't bother questioning it, they likely had a disagreement and it wasn't in your place to get between the two. "Well alright if you both say so, just let me know if you need help, I'll get your rags ready for you both" grabbing a few rags you sprayed them with disinfectant and handed on to each of them. 

"Alright miss Y/n we'll get onto it, but promise that you'll be careful? Try not to get stuck, I don't really know if we'd be able to help you get out" Sun said, a bit of red covering his cheeks. 

Giving them both thumbs up you all scattered to get your certain areas done, laying the towel on a table you grabbed a ponytail, tying up your hair so it wouldn't get into your face. 

Making your way to one of the smaller areas you started wiping down the bars and the moveable tic-tac-toe games, wishing there were some sort of music rather then the quiet sounds of sunny and moon wandering about. 

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