Sundrop x reader { Part 2 } 18+

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After being switched into the daycare and working there for a few months, you've grown close to Sundrop, you enjoy spending time with him, though sometimes you wish you worked the night shift in order to actually spend more time rather than the three hours that go by far too quickly when the kids are taking their naps. 

You've thought about asking your boss about it, but unfortunately haven't been given the chance to yet, as they're rarely ever here.

Entering into the familiar bright and colorful zone full of children you greeted a few children, excited to see you, grabbing onto your hand they drug you over to Sundrop, who looked ever so pleased to see that you've finally arrived.

"Y/n! It's great to see you again!" He said happily, smiling down at you, his face always seemed to light up once you've entered into the daycare, it was cute. "Seems you've got your hands full today, huh?" You joked with him, he shrugged "I've always got my hands full, no matter the amount" he joked back, a little girl came up behind him, pulling on his pant leg.

He turned, kneeling down. The little girl brought her hands up to her mouth and whispered something in his ear, he seemed to get a bit flustered for a moment, giving you a quick glace before laughing it off. "Oh no dear, Y/n is just my work partner!" He told the little girl, "Now go back to playing! It'll be nap time soon enough!" He patted her head.

You felt a little hurt at the mention of you just being a 'work partner' as you had began developing feelings for the happy and carefree animatronic, he was so sweet and always listened to you, whether that was you ranting or venting. He was your shoulder to cry on when you had a bad day, and you appreciated it tremendously. 

"Is everything alright, Y/n?" Sundrop questioned, waving a yellow hand in your face, you snapped out of your thoughts, giving him a smile "Oh, yeah everythings fine! Just kind of in my own thoughts today I suppose" You said, "Alright, if you say so.. Also, I have a surprise for you once all the kids settle down for nap time!

"What is it?" You questioned, now curious as to what he has for you "Well it's not a surprise if I tell you, silly!" He chuckled, "That's not fair, making me wait, you know how impatient I am" You crossed your arms, sticking your tongue out at him. 

Sundrop stood to his full height, looking down at you. For a sun animatronic that looked all happy go lucky he sure was intimidating, and you hated to admit it, but it was actually kind of hot. 

"What?" You questioned, cranking your neck to look at him "Nothing" he shrugged, turning he watched the kids. You couldn't help but feel like you did something wrong, maybe you offended him by sticking out your tongue? No, he wouldn't be upset over something as stupid as that.. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you failed to notice the red on Sundrops cheeks, he wasn't upset with you, far from it actually. 

Moondrop taunted him within his mind, making fun of him for the dirty thoughts that erupted when you stuck out your tongue, he shoved those thoughts down, deep down. He shouldn't be thinking about those kinds of things when the kids were awake, he'd wait till you were both alone in the break room.

Finally coming back to your senses you looked down at your watch, nudging Sundrops leg you tapped your watch "Should probably start getting everything cleaned up" He nodded, "Alright everyone! It's time to start cleaning up! You all know the drill" He yelled, watching the kids scramble to see who could get their mess cleaned up first, it was a game they created. 

You found it cute that the kids here made games of such things, knowing that kids typically dread having to pick up even a tissue from the floor. It was a nice change of pace from the kids you used to have to babysit years back, who were spoiled rotten and expected you to practically wash their hands for them.

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