Sundrop/Moondrop x reader {Part 3} 18+

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After weeks of bugging your manager you had finally managed to convince them to let you work a week of night shifts in the daycare claiming it would be good to 'learn' just incase any emergencies were to happen, you'd be well aware of how to deal with the situation. 

Accepting your reasons they put you on night shift for the week only, likely going to see how well you do before they decide to allow you to take over more. You were given the typical night shift items; a flashlight, Taser (for specific reasons), and a set of keys that could lock up any of the daycare doors or security offices. 

Grabbing your duffle bag you filled it with certain necessities, an extra set of under garments (just incase), some snacks, and other random items that would be deemed necessary. 

Swinging it over your shoulder you grabbed your keys and left to the daycare.

- Very small time skip -

Closing the doors behind you, you made your way through a crowd of people, finally reaching the daycare doors, you saw parents picking up their kids, some kids stopped to say their hellos, others were sad that you weren't there today, they had claimed the daycare wasn't as fun when you weren't there. You felt your heart melt at that, the fact that the kids genuinely enjoyed having you there.

Squeezing your way inside you laid your bag down, seeing Sundrop saying his goodbyes to a few kids, you smiled. He was so cute, always making an effort to make every kid here feel appreciated, he turned and looked at you. You could've sworn his smile grew bigger once your eyes met. Waving at him he made his way towards you.

"Why weren't you here this morning? we missed you!" He said, if he could pout he'd be doing so right now. 

"I finally convinced my manager to let me work night shifts, so all this week I'll be here later in the evening rather than during the afternoon" You explained to him. He gasped "So does this mean we can have a sleepover?! and do.. other things?" He whispered the last part, winking at you.

You blushed, it had been a bit since you and him did anything, and the thought of not having to be quiet this time caused your body to grow hot, you both could go all out without having to worry about anything, as the other security guard would be on the complete other side of the pizza plex. 

"Yes, sunny, that means we can have a sleepover" You smiled, "Wonderful! I already have so many different things we could do!" He said happily, clapping his hands together, you loved how eccentric he could be, but had to guess that what he meant wasn't innocent.

It took another thirty minutes before kids and their parents completely cleared out, grabbing your keys you locked up the main entrance to the daycare, being sure to double check everything on your way back. You had to lock the actual daycare doors from the outside, meaning you'd have to go down the slide in order to get back in, you wish that they'd fix that.

Making your way to the slide you stuck your legs in, pushing yourself down, getting to the bottom you made your way through the ball pit, hoisting yourself out you searched for sundrop. 

"Up here, sunshine" You heard a voice above you, seeing him sitting on his balcony. "Give me a second to grab my stuff and I'll be up there, okay?" He nodded, swinging his legs back and forth as he watched you.

Grabbing your bag, and a few drinks you made your way up to his room, having to unlock doors on your way up, getting to the room you were surprised to see that it was fairly tidy, having a few bean bags here and there, a charging station and a bed made of blankets and pillows. 

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