Eclipse x Male!Reader 18+

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This was requested by @BlackPearlAndRos Hope you all enjoy! In this one-shot, eclipse has four arms! ;)


You had been working at the Pizza plex for quite some time now, three years to be exact. You loved the place but sometimes it was overwhelming, you worked in the daycare section, often dealing with kids and angry parents. 

It wasn't all too bad though, you got to work with two of the best animatronics you've ever met, you enjoyed their company, the three of you forming a rather inseparable bond. The three of you became quite the trio, even though management just suspects you're all just good work buddies, they've never figured out the reason why you loved working nights so much.

The three of you were alone, you being left to clean up and guard the daycare, the cameras in here were operated by you, so you didn't have to worry about anyone watching yours, suns, and moons 'fun times'. Which was a complete win win for the three of you.

You all enjoyed your time together, being able to cuddle, watch movies, and above all else, having 'fun'. 

You smiled, making your way to the daycare you thought about last weeks session, feeling your dick throb at the thought of having them both use you the way they wanted. Taking a deep breath you steadied yourself, pushing away any sexual thoughts, you wanted tonight to be cuddles and fun, nothing more.

Unlocking the daycare doors you made your way inside, being sure to secure and lock the doors back up. Grabbing your ID card you clocked in and turned on the lights. 

"Sun? Moon? You guys awake?!" You called out, looking around the bright room for any familiar faces. 

"Huh.. That's weird" You grabbed your keys and made your way to their room, hoping to at least find them in there.

"Hello? Guys?" Knocking a few times you shrugged, pulling out the appropriate key you unlocked the door, peeking inside you walked in. 

Your jaw dropped.

"Uh.. g..guys?" You looked up at the large mass standing in front of you, "What.. happened to you both?" You asked, your throat dry. 

"Oh! Y/n! There you are!" Sun and Moon's voice came through at the same time, making a deep, almost glitched sound. "So sorry about the uh.. strange appearance, we seem to be in quite the pickle.. hah.. You see, me and moon, or me and sun- The both of us! We were arguing about who would be able to spend the most time with you tonight, and we got into a bit of a fight and well.. this happened" Their four arms gestured to their body, they looked very different, they had four arms, and their body parts were a dark shade of blue, save for the yellow ribbon on their arms, and red clothing. 

"So you both were fighting.. over who got to spend more time with me?" You questioned, "You both know I will give you each equal time, no matter what." You placed your hands on your hips, giving them 'the look'. 

They pouted, "Now then, since you both are... combined, what exactly do I call you? I can't call you by your names since it'll be too difficult to decipher who is who".

"Oh! Haha, we both already decided on a name! We thought Eclipse would work because of how the two celestial bodies--The sun and the moon--would pretty much 'combine' to create an eclipse!" They clapped their four hands together, seemingly content with their rather science-y response. 

"O-kay then. Eclipse it is!" You smiled up at them, "So does this mean I'll be able to spend time with you both at the same time?" They nodded, "Yes, we'll just have to figure out how to go back to our original forms, however that may be done.."

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