~you've unlocked a Tsundere~

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Y/n's pov:

It is so noisy. And why tf do all these regulars look so tense?

"Now, for your next test, you will be given 5 mins to team up with 2 other regulars, or a team of three. Please remember, you and your chosen regulars should be touching each other when the time ends. Thank you."

Great. Socialize.

"Hey! Wanna team up?"- some random guy


"Hey, you look like an Arie! Please team up with me!"- some random guy 2

"No get away you look gross."

I was searching through the crowd. I saw one girl talking to another cute guy. They looked decent enough so I decided to team up with them.

"Hey you! Cute guy! Team up with me."

The boy blushed but maintained his calm composure.

"Huh? Why would I team up with a girl?"

"But you were teaming up with her!" I said pointing to the other girl.

"Huh?!! No way! I am so not teaming up with girls. I wouldn't wanna lose because of yall." He said. I was about to move on to find someone else. the girl came to me and said, "Hey! I am Nia! You are?"

I  usually like friendly people. Not rude bastards. "I am y/n."

"Y/n-san, now we are a team!"

"Ok great! I wouldn't a boy in our team anyway." I said with a smirk.

"Huh? As if I care- "

"Only ten seconds left!" announced the director.

"Ok! Ok! Jeez I guess I have to team up with girls." He said with a blush.

I laughed at his antics and Nia looked plain delighted. And we both hugged him at the the last second. While we were hugging him, I think I saw him smile.

"Oh! So, you're a Tsundere!" I said.

"Huh no! Nothing like that!!"

"Anyways Mr. Tsundere, what's your name?" Nia asked with a blinding smile.



There yall go. The first chapter. I hope yall enjoyed. Thanks for reading 💙

tysm for 100+ reads


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