~y/n can kill, but not cook?~

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Author's pov:-

Y/n woke up and got ready. Apparently Viole had decided to keep the team and Wangnan decided to name the team "Sweet and Sour". Y/n can't complain becuase she also loves sweet and sour pork.

She was standing in the balcony admiring the sky, her pocket ringed. It was from Hatz. She clicked accept.

"Hello? Y/n?"

"Yes! Hey Hatz how are you?"

"I am great. When are you going to get yourself promoted to D-rank regular so we can meet and be on the same team?"

"Aww is Hatz missing me?" I asked with a teasing smirk.

"HAH?! NO WAY! Why would I miss you baka?"

"Hai hai... Tell me what's up?"

"Well, I heard that you and that slayer candidate Jyu Viole Grace are on the same floor. Please be careful baka I don't want you dead."

"Yeah me neither." I joked. But I wanted to tell him. Tell him that this feared jyu viole grace is our very own Bam but I can't. It's better this way. T

"Also Y/n-san, I know your tendencies! You are not, under any circumstances, to befriend that slayer candidate. Got it?" 

"Yeah I won't." uhh...

"You haven't already teamed up with him have you?"

"No. No way." oops.

Y/n hang's the call and makes her way inside. The damn room was in chaos. 

"I, the royal Ehwa, shall cook!"

"Nooooooooooo pls don't do that. We dont want to have poisonous food." all of them groaned.

"But we can't let FUG do all the work! Plus I make great food!"

"Yeah no." whispered Wangnan. Prince chuckled behind his candy bar.

"I don't mind"- Viole said.

"YES YOU DO." Ehwa glared.

"I can cook." y/n said boldly. She smiled down at the other guys and asked again. "Would you guys mind if I cook?"

Everyone except Ehwa and Viole erupted in to cheers.

"Yes, yes y/n-san! please cook for us. Please!"

 Y/n gave a closed eyed smile and walked off. 

Viole's pov:-

Y/n-san? In the kitchen. BAD IDEA.

~20 minutes later~

Author's pov:-

Viole was sitting in his room doing whatever cute emo boys do. Then he heard a knock. He told them to come in. The door opened loudly and Wangnan started yelling loudly:-


"slowly Wangnan, Goseng is sleeping in the next room."

"Oh right. Is she ok? She rarely sleeps."

"yeah that's why she's sleeping now."


"was there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Huh? OH! Y/n-san burnt the kitchen."


a short chapter I know. I am currently experiencing writers block but I didn't want to deprive you of your weekly chapter so here you go~

also I have my exams, but I hope you enjoyed whatever the fuck I wrote up there🙂

Have a great day💙

NEXT CHAPTER: ~y/n's fashion advice~


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