~you won't believe that Khun messed up~

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So yeah everyone this is the last chapter. I decided I will not do a romantic ending but I will show some part of it.


Author's pov:-

Endorsi and Hatz made it onto the plane. Endorsi started yelling at Khun for not helping her sooner-

"You nimrod! You blue jackal! You smug asshole! Why couldn't you come to help sooner?"

"Oh yeah? I thought you were a shining solo and didn't need help?"

"wELL-" They were interrupted by quiet laughter. They looked at Viole who made the sound. He was half-laughing and Half-crying.

"Viole?" y/n looked at him in concern. He wiped his eyes and said, 

"Call me Bam, Y/n."


Later they all were sitting in a circle and talking and drinking. Obviously Hatz was high after two glasses.

"Sho y/n-shan, shaws jyor boyvend?"

"Uh translate please." she said. 

Shibisu cleared his throat, "He means, "So y/n-san how's your boyfriend"".

"She has no boyfriend. She pranked you all bvtches." Aoki said.

"WHAT?" Hatz, Khun, Shibisu and Bam said in unison but they couldn't control the relief flooding their features. Y/n was tipsy and  she was sprawled on the floor.

"dAMN yOi Kiki! I jhave a boyvend! I do! 'Tis Mizuki...Zukiiiiiiiiiiii-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn"

"Yeah no. We know you will never date him." Shibisu said

Y/n smiled. "I wanna mveet him. And Nia too."

"They're on a higher place." Khun said. Y/n blinked. Shibisu realized.

"Dude change your phrasing! That means they're dead! If someone's in a higher they're dead."

"Ohryyyyt. Sorry they're on a higher floor."

"As if that's supposed to make her feel better!"

Y/n burst into ferocious tears, "Fvck you Khun!!!!! I hate you- BLEAghhhhhhhh" and that was when she vomited.

After a while when she finally sobered up she went to sit on the balcony.

Okay Note:- (h/n) means his name. "He" can be any the guys in the story except Mizuki because he isn't here.

And suddenly h/n entered. He mirrored the way y/n was sitting, her legs beyond the railing.

"Yo!" he says.

"Hi" y/n says quietly. 

"Are you ok?"

"Holdin' fine ig. You?"


"Don't lie to me."

"Ok ok fine. I'm tired. Ok alot tired. But I just wanna cry. All of us are reunited."

"Then cry."


"Cry. It's ok to cry time to time. Look at me, I burst into tears out of fear that Zuki is lying dead somewhere. But don't tell that to him, that I cried, I'll lose major cool points and that smug bastard will annoy me."

"Hahahah ik." He suddenly laid his head on his precious y/n's shoulders. Y/n was startled. He didn't move. They both sat there in bated breath. And then y/n realized he had fallen asleep. Since sleeping on the rod of the balcony, with your legs dangling downwards is a dangerous way to sleep, she woke him up. And that's when she saw him crying and mumbling things,

"I will protect her! Don't hurt her! I will burn everyone if n/n gets hurt!" 

"Oi no one's hurting me, bud." he woke up, and realized what he had said, and blushed seeing how close they were. He blushed and pulled away. He gave a small yawn and came to y/n. Like really close to her face. "You wanna fight (h/n)?" she said, interpreting his actions in the wrong way. He looked into y/n's pretty snow grey eyes and gave her a small peck on her nose and walked away.

Y/n realized she was doing something she never thought she would. She had succumbed many to this, but going through this, y/n realized she was blushing.


There we go! Thanks to everyone who read this story!💙💙 It is finally finished. Please vote & share the story! I love you all so much and to the one's who have been reading from the start, they know who they are<3



(h/n's) pov:

she heard what I saw in my dreams. But what I didn't tell her, ??? was holding the knife.



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