~cranky alligator vibes~

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Endorsi's pov:-

Viole? He is definitely one of my competitors. I was walking away from the annoying paparazzi and hatz. They both are quite annoying tbh. Suddenly I saw two people running past me and a security robot running behind it. Well, badass bitch rule no #1: never let a thief get away. Yeah, I made that up.

I caught one of the losers in no time. dude was slow. But the other one looked immensely fast and well versed in the art of using Shinsu. He got away but I did manage to get a closer look he looked like Viole. As i was handing the dude over I asked, "Before they take your slow ass away, tell me something.?" He looked at me.

"What was Viole like?"

"Who's viole"


"...what? Why are you scaring me like that Ms. tank?"


"Well thats what the other guy called you."

"I'll kill that Viole."

"his name isn't Viole"

"Are you high? how tf do you not that guy is Viole." He started laughing.

"A person as nice as him cannot be the infamous cold and cruel Viole."

"Oh really? How enlightening. What was his name then?"

"25th Bam."

Rak's pov:

As I was wandering around, I bumped into someone familliar. 

"hey watch where you're going, reptile."

"Who're you calling-WAIT! Are you white turtle?"

"In the flesh." 

I jumped to hug her. I missed her so much. She is just so precious. When this stupid little white turtle left, she took my heart with her. If she had gotten hurt...

"You're still weaker than me..." I managed to choke between tears.

She laughed her adorable laugh, "And you're as motivated as ever."

Seriously I wanted to express how much I missed her, so I eloquently said, "You're still ugly."

"An you're still short."

CONCLUSION: Rak is a Tsundere like Mizuki and y/n knows it.

Endorsi's pov:-

Ah this party's shit. People sucking up to me, trying to get me to open up. Party's are no fun anymore. They used to be with y/n, and Hatz, and Isu and even that annoying lizard Khun. This all changed after Bam. Right, this is the reason why I came to this lame party. To dig up the truth. I have called an excellent accomplice for this purpose.

Ok, so when I said excellent accomplice I DID NOT  Rak. But the stubborn alligator said it was gonna come anyway. No one can change his mind. We both went into the hallways of where Viole was rumoured to live. Of course Rak created a ruckus. he has no idea on how to spy someone. You may know, we don't really get along. Just like his body, he has an alligator brain. 

We were bickering but suddenly some guards caught us and I picked up the baby(?) alligator and ran off but then I bumped into someone. 

Viole's pov:

I was walking down the corridor when suddenly someone bumped into me. The person I saw shocked me.

"y..you? you were alive?"

"r-rak san....." he started crying.

"Black turtle...you...you're really alive! DAMN YOU TURTLES TRYING TO RUIN MY WHOLE COOL BOI VIBES-

"cranky alligator vibes" I looked up to see who was there with Rak-san and saw it was Endorsi-san. Before I could say something to her Rak-san started to hug me. I wanted to stay like this forever. Me my friends,  and just the vast, vast sky above laughing away without a care. But Then I head guards behing=d them and I quickly broke away frim the hug. I was suddenly pinned to the wall by Endorsi-san.

Endorsi's pov:-

I dont care if my action is too forward. seeing his face after so long his stirred up a whole ass cyclone of emotions within me. dudeeeeee why you gotta be so cuteeeeeeee?

"Listen up Bam, idc what they did to you, they are going to die regardless. But you keep yourself in one piece." I removed my hand. he gave me a blank look. Ah somethings never change.


I picked up Rak and started running. I gave him a small smirk back and said, "cause I'm taking you on a date!"

Bad bitch rule #2: If you can't convince them, confuse them."


Doneeeeee! I had a very little free time today so I decided to open wattpad and I saw 1k views. You have no idea how happy I was and my mom looked at me like I've lost my nuts. i was actually not planning to write today but seeing the views I was motivated! thank you all so much! I can't thank you enough!~

Please wait patiently for the next chapter like you did for this one. This may contain some grammar and punctuation mistakes as I wrote it in a hurry. But if I get time, I will without a doubt edit it.💙💙



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