~he'll definitely die of asphyxiation~

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Khun's pov:-

The last thing I remember is the Arlene's hand being attacked by a bomb. And another thing that I don't know whether it is hallucination or just some really cruel fate. I slowly opened my eyes to see a blur of  yellow hair. I quickly grabbed the nearest item and threw it at the guy. 

"Ow! tf man! I was tryna help you and you're throwing stuff at my head! if anything you should be saying 'thank you' damn it! Y/n, come here, your lunatic here is throwing projectiles on my head!" dude yelled. Wait, y/n?

"tf do u want Jangnan!"


"Whatever. What's your problem?"

"This mad man is throwing things at me."

"then suck it up. I told you Khun was a dick." Why, thank you y/n.

"Well, whatever that lunatic is, he isn't my problem. He is unfortunately awake so come see him."

The door burst open and all I saw is a blur of white as she ran up and hugged me and successfully removed the remaining air from my lungs.

"You're awake, aren't you blue idiot." Y/n said. I managed to squeeze out some sounds. The Wangnan guy interrupted," Um Y/n-san, idk how this works but you're squeezing out his air, so if he isn't dead already from head injuries, he'll definitely die of asphyxiation." Then y/n let go and I coughed.

"I am glad you're safe."

"Wow, you really care!"

"Of course! If I damage my Kidney after drinking so much alcohol, I need someone with functioning Kidneys to gimme one "

I snorted. "So y/n. how did I end up here?"

"Well, when you told me you were coming to Arlene's hand, I was already on my way there. But due to some delays I reached there after the tragedy fell. I saw something blue in the rubble, turns out it was your sorry face."

"Can you explain what tragedy happened?"

"Idk exactly, I just came after it happened, it looked like a bomb had detonated."

"Or, more like a Bam had detonated" I muttered. I looked at Wangnan hesitantly. He didn't get the hint. Bitchass idiot smiled back with a thumbs up. But apparently y/n took the hint.


"I assume you're talking to Wangnan, but yes?"

"Get tf out."


With that he left.

I grabbed y/n's wrist and looked at her with a no non-sense look.

"Y/n is bam alive?"

"Huh! What are you talking about?"

"Y/n, you know I hate lies... is he alive or am I mad? Please n/n, be honest!" I said with desperation.

Y/n's pov:-

God. So he knows. I pulled my wrist away and looked solemn.

"...Yes Aguero, he's alive. He lived with me until he just vanished at the Arlene's hand."

I expected him to be mad, be disappointed and never talk to me again, but he just looked at me with sadness in those wise blue ocean eyes. They were definitely the prettiest eyes made by the hands of God. I loved them.

"...and you never told me n/n?"

"I- I wanted to b-but Viole, no Bam asked me not to. He did so because FUG threatened him that he will annihilate all of us. He was scared for us. Please don't blame him."

"I don't. I blame you."

"Why?" I was close to tears. I thought I lost that ability. But there was something in Khun's voice that made me flinch.

"Because now you'll gloat about how you saw this coming and how- JEEZ BITCH DONT START CRYING OUTTA FUCKING NOWHERE YOU SCARE ME.!"

Well in his defence, I do cry kinda ugly. But I have nothing to say in my defence when I bonked him on the head with a newspaper roll.

Author's pov:-

All of them were sitting in the living room of Viole's living room while the owner was god knows where. Y/n introduced Khun to the others. Wangnan and the others explained what all they knew about Viole and left it to Khun and Y/n to decide the next course of action. 

"So y/n?"


"Are we still going to the Workshop battle?"


"Are you sure Viole will be there?"

"yeah." Dear y/n was oblivious to the tick mark appearing on Khun's forehead.

"Dearest y/n..." he spoke like he was talking to a two year old, "precisely how did you know?"

"I work for FUG." 

Khun's pov:-

Oh right. WAIT WHAT?!






"Who cares Khun? I am an abandoned child." Ah. I looked down.

"Me too n/n"

"So lets obliterate FUG!"


"Yeah she is." A new voice spoke.


"...are you ready to fight against them?"

"...Are you going to give me a choice?"

The admiral from FUG laughed. "...you're quite interesting. Also is that little blue boy and the tall one coming along."

"First of all my name is Khun Ran. And I am coming along."


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I am sure am happy as hell for the views but I'd be happier if yall would vote!

NEXT CHAPTER:~can you just casually, politely Fvck off? ~


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