~a band of emo criminals~

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Aoki's pov:-

Whose this Khun guy? why does y/n seem so anxious? Uhh damn this y/n! I bet she hasn't told me some important information. We were jumping from roof to roof in order to reach this place called Arlen's hand. I decided to break the silence.

"So uh y/n..."


"This Khun is your friend right?"

"Yeah yeah" she said distracted.

"uh...so what's his name?"

"I told you it's Khun!" This bvtch-

"No dearest y/n, first name." 


 "There. Wasn't that simple" She simply gave me a standing ovation of her tallest finger.

"So y/n, is the Khun guy being there such a major issue?"

y/n's pov:-

Yes it was. And I couldn't explain this to him without giving away essential information. I just nodded.

"Oh. But isn't he your friend?" Uhh damn you Aoki just drop it already. it suddenly got quiet. too quiet for my liking.

"Y/n..." oh shit-...." Are you hiding something from me?"

"No not at-" I looked at him an he was looking at me so wistfully and with so much emotion I couldn't bear lying to him.

"Actually, Aoki I have been hiding something from you."

"...I knew it!"

"But before I will, will you help with this?" He gave me a look that said 'bvtch seriously'.

"Yeah yeah whatever the great y/n-sama needs."

I suddenly felt my anger rising. I am grabbed him by his hand and stopped him. He looked at my serious expression and something in his eyes softened. 

"What is it n/n?" He asked with a small, soft smile.

"If you help me kiki..." I said, also using his affectionate nick name, "you might end up betraying the yeon family and as well as jahad."

He gave me a bright, genuine smile. There was a small festival going on far behind and the yellow glow from it was caught by his jet-black hair. "Anything for you n/n."


Viole's pov:-

I was rummaging through the city trying to find Mr. Horyang but I couldn't get his whereabouts from anywhere. In the end this weird bunny-girl decided she wanted to help me. She called herself Xiaxia. She said she knew where Horyang was. We took off in a small jet like thingy(idk whats that called) to find mr Horyang.

Khun's pov:-

Ok now unlike all the people I know, I am not an idiot. I am definitely not stupid enough to go after Rachel, risking it all. of course, she is part of the reason why I am planning to go to Arlene's hand but there is more to it. I also want to catch someone called the "Devil of the left hand".

I called y/n because this Arlene's hand seems to be on the same floor as her. Let's see if she shows up or not.

y/n's pov:-

God. I never knew Aoki was so mature. He listened to everything I said very carefully. He's grown up.

"So, hold tf up" Aoki said, "You're telling me you recklessly teamed up with a slayer candidate, who later turned out to be your dead friend, despite all the backing from your family you decided to go to a band of emo criminals, now we are gonna fight for our life, and the whole ass government is against us."


"...and you expect me to join this madness?" I shrugged. He sighed. Then gave out a smile, "n/n, what am I going to with you."

I smiled back.

I checked my pocket to see the GPS. We were about to reach there. But it should be right in front of us. Suddenly Aoki stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Y/n, is this place supposed to be desolate?"


"Is it also supposed to look like a bomb just went off here?" My neck turned towards him in godspeed. The whole Arlene's hand had been destroyed by a bomb. I cursed under my breath.

"Hey! I guess I see someone, beneath all the rubble!"

We both ran to see who it was and my eyes couldn't believe who he was. I fell down.

"n/n what's wrong? Do you know him?"

"It's Khun." I managed to whisper.


Owarimashita~ How are all of you? I hope great. This chapter is shorter than my usual ones but I am really tired so I wrote whatever I could. Take care and have a great time.

Also please dont forget to leave a vote. It's huge motivation. Also please share this story with other ToG fans!💙

My school has started and I doubt I'll have time to post these on Monday or later, so ig I'll be dropping these on Sundays mostly!

Thank you all so much~

NEXT CHAPTER: ~he'll definitely die of asphyxiation~ 

~Shinya1204 🌸

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