~can u just casually, politely fvck off~

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Khun's pov:-

I am really starting to think I am a magnet for idiots. First the Shibisu lot and now this yellow chick. This nickname was given to him affectionately by a madman with an unhealthy obsession of chicks.  

All of the lot this time are weaker than a 5 year old. I believe the most useful would be the little girl named Miseng.

And of course y/n didn't show up. Of course she left to the market to eat dorayaki (ayo mikey come get some). Of course Aoki politely and casually threw a middle finger at me when I asked him to train and went to read comics. Thinking back...

Yesterday night

"Yeah she is." I heard a new voice. I turned around and saw this good looking dude. "Whose this bvtch now n/n?" he asked. "Khun" she answered. I noticed how softly he looked at y/n and realized he must be y/n's boyfriend. Despite myself, I adopted my haughtiest look and went to him and said-

"what's y/n's favourite color?"

"Excuse me?"

"uh-uh man ya heard me. y/n's favourite color now."

"uh black-"

"No you shit it's red AHAHAHAHA" I said, feeling hella proud.

"Now you dumbfucks its (f/c)" y/n said with disdain.

"uH anYwAy- I do not approve of this brat here...he's too...uh-"

"He's too what?" he asked

"...spunky...SPUNKY THATS WHAT HE IS! AHAHA come one n/n even Quant is better than him-

"...did he hit his head hard?" the dude asked.

"idk man just eat." (mood)

"what's your name you undeserving punk?" I asked.

"uh, Aoki?"

"Listen up Shiroki, I do not approve of you hence I do not approve of this marriage!"

"WHOSE MARRAIGE? WHAT MARRAIGE?" Wangnan said appearing outta the kitchen.

"Alas you didn't know? THIS BRAT IS MARRYING MY Y/N-"

"SHUT UP" y/n yelled. She looked at me and then said," you really did hit your head hard"


So, this is how I and Aoki met. But oh god training these bitches is hectic as hell.

Viole's pov:-

"So you are a light bearer?" ran asked.

"yeah" replied Xiaxia.

"so you can control light houses and stuff."

"Um yeah? that kinda is my job and all"

"Sounds legit." Idk what he finds legit but he's a bit unhinged so we'll let it pass.

A coordinator from FUG walked in.

"Is there someone called Mr. Viole here?"

"yeah it's me."

"Good. Are you ready for the workshop battle?"


"You'll be fighting against your uh, previous teammates."

"Yeah ik that."

"Good. Just so we're clear that you might have to kill them?"


"I perceive your silence to be doubt." he walked extremely close to me and whispered," Again, just so we're clear Mr. Viole that you belong to FUG and FUG only. You are precious slayer candidate and our biggest weapon against Jahad. And we wont hesitate once before killing any one of your precious teammates. Is that clear?"


He smiled and walked out.

Do you ever wish you were never born? ikr same. Gen-Z shit ig.

Author's pov:-

Aoki and Y/n were looking around in the festival.

"So n/n?"


"I get you really like Dorayaki...so um that's why we came here...but..."

"But what?"

"w-why i-is she t-tagging along?" he pointed behind him.

"I have told you many times haven't I mutt? I am Yeon Ehwa! I have a name, a brilliant one at that so refer me as it!"

Yes. When y/n asked Ehwa to come along she refused but when she saw Aoki going with her, so she decided she suddenly wanted to come too.

"And even I have a name! It's Aoki!"

"I get it mutt."

"y/n tell her-"



y/n's pov:-

Yesss bvtchessss you be looking at the next century genius. This was my plan. I wanted to bring these two together. How did I know these two liked each other? Well, it's simple. Ehwa blushed every time she looked at Aoki and Aoki once ate the disastrous ramen Ehwa cooked and even managed to bring about a smile when Ehwa asked how it was. That's love I tell you.

So my plan was to bring them two together.


I would like to apologize for the late release. I am a little tired nowadays and well, going through a writer's block so...yeah. Please expect the posts to be irregular.

I am extremely sorry to the readers who have been with me from that start and I look forward to all the new readers I'll get in the future.

Mind you I'm not stopping the series, just going to be a little missing for a while. Please bear with me and look forward to more quality chapters in the future!!

Please take care of your health! and don't forget to vote~💙


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