~modern devices of impending doom~

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y/n's pov:-

After assassinating the threat, I leaned on the railing for I was tired. Another assassin. Another attempt at the life of my innocent friend Bam. I gritted my teeth. No one, not even I, could stop FUG now. But I doubt it was FUG this time.

"You can come out now, Jinsung Ha." I said.

"Ahaha so you caught me y/n-chan didn't you?"

"Your presence was noticeable"

"Wow you're so smart!"

"You just didn't hide your presence. Deliberately, I perceive." I saw him smirk and then he walked up to me. He offered me a warm smile that I returned but suddenly he turned serious.

"Arie y/n are you involved the FUG?" I nodded. "Why though? You're an Arie, insanely powerful and you could earn a lot in Jahad's army..."

"Same could be said for you" He laughed and said, "You're an interesting one. Do you plan to hurt Viole?" He asked in a dead serious voice.

"No. I have better people to hurt." He patted my head and smiled and walked off.


Aoki's pov:-

I was standing near y/n's window hoping to talk to her. Suddenly I heard someone scream. I turned around and was stunned by how pretty she was.

"w-what happened?" I asked with a stutter. (He can't talk to any girls except y/n. Author-san may or may not forgot to mention that lol)

"Who are you?"

"w-why does t-that m-matter to you?"

She sighed. "Is this the extent of my loss of power??? Now even mutts don't know a member of a royal family. Alas! also, what the fuck are you doing standing out of my window?"

She stopped looking up and looked at me. Her eyes widened. has she recognized me? She has black hair so she might be from Ha family...or even the yeon family...

"Hey...." she started. I was getting ready to run but suddenly she said

"You...you're pretty cute..." she said with a small blush. yep definitely gotta run. I made a break for the fence and jumped.

Ehwa's pov:

tf??? I just complimented him and he ran away! Rude jerk

Khun's pov:-

I was sitting chilling on my balcony and then Shibisu called.


"Hey Khun my love!"


"ok ok sorry don't hang up please!"

"You better have something important to tell-

"y/n called" My eyes widened in surprise I don't think I was able to keep the happiness out of my voice. Y/n had stopped picking any of our calls or even replying to our numerous texts.

"w-what did she say."

"yeah she called you a blue idiot." I smiled a genuine smile after long.

"Except for that?"

"She said, 'be ready for the workshop battle'" I smirked. "So little y/n wants a challenge huh?"

"Uh dude-"

"lol sorry"

"Also found some juicy gossip-" I hung up. I'd rather start counting stars. Suddenly I received a text from Shibisu.

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