~the wrong person apologizes~

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So uh a little note before I start. I am not going to be showing the actual battle that took place and the gaining of the needle. Because I am lazy and I don't think I will be able to depict the battle clearly but I will be defining the scene well so you like know what tf is going on ehehehe.


Author's pov:-

Suddenly the doors opened at Khun's eyes landed on a sight that he thought he would never see again. A sight he longed for. A sight he had failed to protect. A person he had failed to protect. He was trying not to cry. (gotta maintain the bad bvtch reputation). He looked at the person standing next to him. Another person he'll do anything to protect. He saw as y/n gave a small sad smile. After finishing his battle, Bam strutted to them.

"K-khun-san-" he collapsed. Khun almost managed to catch him.

"Shh...don't talk." y/n said. 

"No-No I owe this to yall. Khun-san, so sorry-" poor boi couldn't speak as he was hugged by Khun. And then by y/n and then by Shibisu.

"hey idiot. You shouldn't be apologizing. If anyone should, it's Shibisu."

"What why!!!"

"Just do it Idiot!" y/n hissed.

"uh uh I'm sorry Bam. Dude. whatever happened-

"ok shut up. Keep the monologue to yourself."

"No appreciation for me. Huh. No "thank you o wonderful Shibisu". Huh." he kept on sulking.

They broke the hug and smiled at each other. After wiping his face, Bam asked casually asked, "Where's Endorsi-san and Hatz-san."

y/n gives a close-eyed smile. "Doing a 2v1 with someone that can never defeat!"

"oh. WAIT WHAT?"

Endorsi's pov:-

WHERE ARE THOSE NIMCOMPOOPS WHEN WE NEED THEM??? HATZ AND I ARE BARELY HOLDING OUT. Suddenly a helicopter-thingy flew overhead and picked both of us up.


Ok yeahhhh that's all. I decided to write this small chapter as a gift to yall. Not because I was totally pressed for time hahahha. No ofc not hahahha. Also because I wanted to reveal some important information about this story. If you want to convey anything related to info I'm giving below, please tell me through the comments.

1) I will be ending the story after the Workshop battle arc. Sorry if yall expected more.
2) Tell me if you want a romantic ending.

I expect responses or the next chapters gonna be shitttttttttttttttttt ahahahha.

Again a fucking messy chapter and again I'll apologize. And again I thank yall and wish yall the best~💙💙💙💙💙


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