~Pretty lady & Bangs boy~

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y/n's pov:

"Did you know the slayer candidate is here?"

"what! on this floor?"
"Yeah! If he is a slayer candidate he must be dead strong."

"We are dead if we appear as supporters of Jahad."

"Right. We are so dead. Isn't he just such a cursed existence?"

"Hmm he is."

Hearing this conversation, I looked around at the regulars around me. None of them looked like the scary slayer candidate mentioned above. I just yawned. And then I saw this girl with spectacles holding the hand of a toddler. Looking at the toddler smiling so brightly i was reminded of Nia. And Mizuki. And Khun and Rak. Hatz, Shibisu, Endorsi, Anaak. I missed all of them. But they were on higher floors. Mizuki, Endorsi, Annak, Hatz, Rak and Shibisu together and Khun, Nia and Rachel together. Thinking about that bitch makes me flip. But she gets me more motivated to become powerful enough to protect my friends. Bam taught me the importance of allies and he proved himself to be an important one. But when it became my turn to protect him, he left all of us. Khun and I both are still agonised and agitated. But our agitation styles are different.  He is fixated on revenge, while I can't stop blaming myself. It hurts still you know, even after 2 years.

"Regular Arie y/n is next please get in."

Guess it's my turn. I walked in the lonely looking room. And saw a guy with wild long brown hair looking down. His eyes weren't visible. He looked gloomy and sad. But wait! with that thing whatever he's wearing, he looks like the slayer candidate! But I didn't feel afraid. He doesn't know who I learnt swordsmanship from. I walked towards him and heard another regular walk in behind me. He looked at me and his eyes went wide.

"What?" I demanded. "Have you never seen a girl?"

He stopped gawking.

???'s pov:-

Who is that girl who just walked in?(It is hard to see through his bangs lmao sorry.). She looks familiar though. Snow white hair. Bangs. Contrasting to her white hair, she is wearing all black. Her eyes are snowy grey. A very pretty snowy grey, just like someone I remember. But this girl can't be her. She should be on a higher floor. She was very strong to be begin with. But her attitude looks the same though. Anyways who she is doesn't matter. I will have to defeat her and move on. That's not what I want. That's what they want. That's what FUG wants.

Author's pov:-

Y/n turned around to look at the weird boy and the other blonde guy.

"I guess we have to fight." y/n said. She looked at them waiting for them to advance. The blonde guy realized that he was obviously at the loosing end.

"H..hey how about we introduce ourselves! I am Ja Wangnan! The future king of the tower. Pretty lady and bangs boy! Let's team up."

Both, the 'pretty lady' and 'bangs boy' in mention looked like they would rather do anything but that. Suddenly a huge man with a little wing entered. He looked scary. He saw the bangs guy sitting down so he sat down with him. and then some other regulars walked in.

"Till when we are gonna drag on? If we are gonna fight we gotta fight people." y/n said. Y/n put her hands to her side and a pure white sword got summoned. Suddenly the look on her face changed to a more hostile one. The bangs guy got up.

"Hey! Bangs boy! What's your name?" she asked.


"You mute?"

"Jyu Viole Grace" 

"Arie y/n"

Jyu viole grace's pov-:


Wangnan's pov:-

WHAT?! Arie y/n? Arie??? Arie? She's pretty, strong and holds power...It's a no brainer! Gotta get her on my side. Well this isn't hard with someone whose looks are as good as mine.


5 minutes later.

I will never flirt with a women again. (Author-san: Oh my god y/n-san what did you do???🤣)

Announcer:" For the next test, survive for 5 minutes. Simple test it is. Try to eliminate as many as you can to make your competition in the next game easier. Best of luck."

Y/n smirked pulling out her sword. "Ok. Let's Kill"


Owarimashita~ How was the chapter? If you liked it, don't forget to vote! It's huge motivation!💙

NEXT CHAPTER: Long live the glasses girl!


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