~y/n breaks hearts. Figuratively.~

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Author's pov:-

"LET'S DRINK" yelled Wangnan.

"YEAH LETS GOOOOOOOO!" yelled y/n. They inhaled down all the drink in the bottle. 

"Oi Oi calm down you too! You are going to get drunk" Horyang recommended.

Wangnan looked at y/n and started laughing like maniac. "That's the point, idiot! right y/n-san?"

"Yeah of course Jangnan! I bet Horyang doesn't have enough balls to drink"

"YEAH!" the two drunks high-fived.

"huh? Of course I have the balls what are you talking about?"

"hUh? oFcOurSe I hAvE tHe bAlLs wHat aRe yOU taLkIng abOuT? Then start drinking dummy" Wangnan said.

"Yeah...Also Jangnan-


"Yeah same thing...Do you think Goseng likes guys who drink?" This caught Horyang's  attention.

Wangnan having caught up on y/n's technique said," Of course! Guys who drink are by far very attractive. Especially! Especially to girls with glasses."

"Ah fuck it!" Horyang said and sat down to drink.

"Now that's the spirit!"

After sometime all the others started drinking. Soon all of them became drunk except Viole, cute emo boys can hold their liquor ig.

"Ahh~ y/n-san?" Wangnan started. "Lemme ask you a question. Answer honestly ok?"


Viole's pov:-

After y/n-san agreed to answer honestly, all of us were curious.

"y/n-san how many hearts have you broken?"

"Figuratively or Literally?" Yikes she's scary.


"...many I believe. I try to be as gentle as possible, but some creeps need to get their heart broken. Literally."

"...I see. Have you ever dated anyone?" What's up with the personal questions. Usually y/n-san doesn't answer these but alcohol talks, ig.

"I have a boyfriend already y'know?" I could hear something breaking but nothing in my surroundings seemed to have fallen.

Wangnan and the others looked shocked while Goseng gave an expression that this shit was normal.

"Why aren't you shocked?" Horyang asked her.

"I am surprised y'all are. Look at her, she's pretty, intelligent, is an Arie and even though she looks intimidating she's a big softie. Right Viole?" Huh?

"Viole? You alive?" Prince asked.

"Huh? yeah very?"

"Viole you ok?" y/n-san looked at me , snow grey eyes widening in surprise.

"yeah very"

She continued looking at me for 5 seconds more. She gave me a look that stated suspicion but then went back to talking.

???'s pov:- 

"So do you have the address?"

"Of course."

"Good. Let's surprise them tomorrow."


Owarimashita~ sorry for the short chapter! I have my exams coming up~ Don't be mad if the quality of the chapter is bad and the writing is shit.

Pls hit the vote button if you liked it~💙

NEXT CHAPTER: ~Kids these days~


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