~please bless him~

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Authors pov:-

Ah noisy pt 2. So many people made it? Wow. Maybe the tests were too easy. (or you're too badass lmao.)

"So y/n san, What's your battle speciality?" -Mizuki

"Just y/n is fine. I am a swordsman. Or swordswoman. Doesn't matter. My job is to gut people out with a sword."

"That was violent."- Nia laughed.

"What's yours Nia?" y/n asked.

"It's a secret!" She replied with a wink.

"I use-"

"We didn't ask you Mizuki." y/n said. Mizuki blushed and wore an expression that clearly said he was gonna get in full lecture mode within the next 3 seconds. Y/n interrupted him-

"Kidding Mizuki. Chill man. Tell me."


"Now he's sulking...y/n chan, you should know better than to joke with this guy."- Nia. Mizuki's tick mark appeared.

"And you made it worse Nia-chan. Did you forget he's a Tsundere?"- y/n.

"Shut it!!"- Mizuki.

All three of them looked up to see a man with yellow hair walk in.  

"Hello everyone. My name is Lero Ro. Now I want to conduct a small test if no one minds."

Then he didn't give anyone time to express their mind and released a massive wave of Shinsu that washed everyone away. Including you.

"Everyone, please try and pass through this barrier. If you can't, I am extremely sorry but you won't be able to climb the tower. "

"E..e..excuse me, umm umm I didn't get swept out." a voice spoke.

y/n's pov:-

Whose this guy? Interesting. I will have to talk to him. Oh but then I gotta pass through this stupid barrier. Well easy.

"oii Mizuki, Nia-chan?"


I smirked. "Don't fail me now."

author's pov:-

Everyone was already shocked enough by seeing the boy not get swept away and then they got something of a double shock when they watched y/n pass like it's a walk in the park.

Y/n walked up to the guy awkwardly holding a sword. 

"Hey." The boy must have gotten scared and jumped.

"S..s...sorry. I didn't see you."

"It's fine. I am y/n by the way. You are." He looked up and y/n saw his eyes and they shocked her. Eyes unfiltered, eyes filled with generosity and a calmness that felt unreal. y/n wanted to give a hug to him rn. But she controlled herself.

"Oh! what a nice name. I am Bam. 25th Bam." He said with a blinding smile. His smile reminded her of Nia and she smiled.

"Let's be friends y/n-san." He asked.

"Oii Bam! Don't make friends with random people." A blue haired guy with a crocodile-like-looking organism.

"Y/n-san, I told you to not talk to strangers!" Mizuki said half panting.

"Ahh Sorry Mizuki! I was talking to Bam here-

"You told her your name Bam? I told you not to!" The blue haired guy said.

"Ahh was I not supposed to? Sorry Khun-san!" The boy looked like he meant his apology and didn't know what he did wrong. The blue guy looked pissed but didn't say anything.

"And I am their leader, the glorious Rak!  Bow in front of me peasants!"

Khun's pov:-

Uh these idiots. I can understand for once that Bam may be trusting, But Rak? Oh yeah, I forgot he's a total idiot. Damn it. Wait. I remember she passed straight through the barrier. She is stronger than she looks. Maybe I should make friends with her.

"I apologize for these idiots y/n-san."

"It's fine. Also just y/n is fine." She smiled. Was it genuine? 

??? pov:-

"Oi dude, Isn't she pretty?"


"Come on man, Just look up. Please."

"Istg Shibisu if it is someone weird I'll-

Woah. Who is she, snow white but stronger?

"Heheh I told you didn't I, Hatz."

Y/n's pov:-

Ah morning already. Let's go have breakfast.

"Hey Mizuki! Nia!" I waved.


"Hey gurl!"

I bullied Mizuki into buying me breakfast with his own money. As I was eating my food, I saw this weird guy in a purple tracksuit and this really stoic looking guy walking towards me.

"Hey there pretty girl! I am Shibisu. Believe it or not I am very strong! Especially strong enough to protect you" he said the last line with a wink. And then the other black haired guy bonked him on the head.

"Why you! Stop embarrassing us!"- handsome stoic dude. (prolly with a lil blush only I saw hehe)

Omg he is so cute. I laughed. Everyone including Bam and Khun looked at me in surprise. I stopped laughing and blinked. 


All of them unfroze and looked away. Only Bam (bless his baby soul) smiled and said-:

"Because y/n-san's laugh is just too pretty." Awww.

Author's Note: Since I am kinda lazy I'll just say you have already met Endorsi and Rachel . Next chapter will be a fast forward to Bam's  "Death".

And that is how you all met.


Owarimashita! Thanks for reading! I was originally gonna release it on Monday, but here it is, an early release!!! Please vote if you liked the chapter because its huge motivation.

NEXT CHAPTER: ~the truth~


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