~The truth~

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P.S. This is after Bitchel pushes Bam off.

y/n's pov:-

I just came back after totally killing the damn game. All the other guys were assembled there.

"Ayo y/n!" Nia came running towards me.

"Hey gurl!" I retorted. From the corner of my eye I saw Khun looking tense. I was about to go to talk to him suddenly Han sung and Lero Ro walked in.

Han Sung looked on with his usual blank face while Lero Ro looked plain sad. I wondered happened. Then I saw Rachel coming in. Alone.

"Oii! Where is Bam?" Khun asked what we all wanted to. I looked straight at Lero Ro and he looked back at me. His look told me everything. I collapsed on the nearest bench and Shibisu ran towards me. He looked into my eyes and his eyes mirrored mine. We both hung our head low. 

"Irregular 25th Bam is no more"

Author's pov:-

Everyone decided that it would be Bam's wish for us to help Rachel. y/n looked lost and that's how she felt. Again she saw Khun looking like he wanted to tell her something. But they never got the chance. 

Later at night, They finally managed to get a chance. y/n managed to catch him outside in the balcony after dinner. 

"Hey bro" -y/n said meekly. He didn't say anything. Usually y/n didn't like this but today, she'll let his bratty behaviour off the hook. 

After some silence y/n said," You looked like you wanted to tell me something."

"Well, yes."


"I don't know how you'll react to this, or if you'll consider me as overly critical. I actually..."

"You actually what?"

"I actually suspect Rachel for the murder of my best friend, 25th Bam."

Y/n's pov:-

I couldn't process anything. It took me a few seconds to remember how to speak.

"It can't be..."

"Don't give me that!" He  suddenly said angrily. "Don't tell me you didn't suspect her!" Realization dawned upon me and I realized that Khun was right. I deluded myself into believing that what happened to Bam was an accident and nobody was at fault. But I can't help but agree with Khun.

"You are right, I realized. You have always been." I said quietly.

Khun looked at me and his expression was unreadable.  He turned his face towards the other side. Suddenly a (loud) voice interrupted them.

"Oii Arie! Khun! What's up?".

I turned to see Shibisu running towards us. I turned to Khun. He nodded. If we can't trust Shibisu, we can't trust no one

"Shibisu, we got something important to tell you ." I said seriously. Which was rare for me.

At first, he must have thought I was joking (which I do most of the time) but he saw the determined angry look on my face and his expression changed.

"What's up?" he asked. I looked at Khun. He started to speak

"Listen dude, Do you really think it was a natural death?"


"Who died today you idiot!"


"Yeah, so you really don't think it was murder? done by Rachel?" he got quiet.

"Oh so good to see all the intelligent people of our floor gathered in one place so now I don't have to run around!".

We all turned towards the new voice and saw Lero Ro.

"Hey Mr Lero Ro, everything all right?" I asked.

"Actually no. You see, I resigned."


"Long story. Anyways, I have also found out something. Didn't Rachel say her legs were injured and that she couldn't walk?"


"Well she lied. Because while she was unconscious I had the doctor check her legs and guess what he told me. Her legs are completely fine."

We were shocked to our bones. I almost lost my balance. But I controlled myself pretty well. You see, the first thing a swordsperson learns is balance. Khun's icy expression did hold shock and Shibisu almost fell down. After dropping this major bombshell Lero Ro asked for his leave. 

"So...How ya like that?" I said weakly to make a joke. Shibisu and Khun looked at me confused. Guess they aren't Blinks. Anyways jokes aside. I felt so angry and devastated and lost. Why Bam? He was the purest soul in the tower. Why do all the good people suffer? Just because he's an irregular so fate messes with him and that is so unfair. I felt angry for bam. I WILL FUCKING  KILL THAT BITCH RACHEL!.

I looked at others and their expression were similar to mine. 

"Let's make a plan" Khun said with a smirk that represents evil. 

Well now we knew Rachel had such a side behind her innocent face. Well, she isn't the only one. I lightly smirked.

Lero Ro's pov:-

"Lero Ro-san why didn't you tell them the whole truth?"-Quant

"I can't. I am not even sure it's the truth or not. I can't get their hopes up."

I can't get their hopes up that there is a 1% chance that irregular 25th Bam is alive.

"Anyways, quant! Now we're going to Wolhaiksong."


Gah owarimashita~

I hope yall liked this chapter and pls dont forget to vote if you liked it because it's huge motivation!💙

NEXT CHAPTER: ~Pretty lady & bang's boy~


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