~y/n's fashion advice~

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Author's pov:- On a higher floor...

"Thank you so much Khun-san~" A certain blonde said.

"It's nothing Rachel~ please don't embarrass me like that~ Bam left your responsibility on me and we're friends aren't we?"

"Yes...About Bam, sorry I couldn't save him." Rachel buried her head in her hands and started to cry.

Khun kept the glass of water that was in his hands and he hugged Rachel.

"It's ok dear~ You couldn't have done anything." You're fucking useless anyway he thought. He broke the hug and smiled. He said a few words to her and left. 

After Khun softly closed the door, Rachel got up and started dancing with the very same legs that she lied to be broken.

"Man, it sure feels nice to be a princess~  heheheh. Bam's sacrifice was worth it! A million more sacrifices are worth it~"

Khun's pov:-

Bitch sure has the audacity to cry about not helping Bam. This women pisses me off so much...No no I can't! I am getting impulses again! I can't! Y/n told me I can't have these they mess with my level-headedness. I can't mess up!


Oh it's y/n.

"Hello y/n! y/n they're happening again"


"Y/n I hate that Rachel! Everything about her feels wrong! I wanna kill her! I wanna kill her! She deserves to feel every bit of pain, every bit of betrayal Bam felt. DEATH IS WHAT SHE DESERVES!"

Y/n's pov:-

My heart broke in a million pieces hearing him break like this. Khun. Khun Aguero Agnis. The coldest most heartless regular alive. I softly said-" Khun, Khun. Calm down. I know calm down sounds like the shittiest advice ever but it's the most logical.  But what if you end yelling too loud and she hears you and runs away. Your plan for a perfect revenge will be destroyed. We can't have that right?" 


"You can do it Khun! You are the single most stubbornest, coldest most scary person I know. I could never pull this off. I'd just murder her right away hahaha."

"...Yeah. That's because you're stupid."

"HEY!". Even tho it breaks my heart seeing him like this, I feel lowkey proud he vents to me. We hang up the call.


Author's pov:-

Now the regulars are supposed to go inside the body of a huge organism named Jigena and get a rare blue gem. Y/n, prince and Horyang were together. 

"...Y/n-san...I know...I am the strongest...More than you? pfft no...pretty...ehwa...oh god no...cooking...terrible..."

Yeah y/n couldn't stand this brat but she heard him rant.

Suddenly they saw a figure arise. He was looking at them with magenta eyes that showed hostility. Even y/n got chilled to the bones.

"Ayo babies what's up?"

Y/n's pov-:

Uh...babies? The hip hop dude stood up and bellowed down a smile. A smile that looked anything but friendly.

"Can I ask what are little babies doing here? It's dangerous y'know."

"We were sent on a quest." replied Horyang.

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