Claude's Downfall

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Debbie's POV:

A week or so had passed since John Frazer spoke to the police about the case, in his words "those idiots believe everything."
When we woke up this morning, the news was filled with the investigation about the missing Touissant. They all stated how someone inside the police department had been the right hand of Claude, helping cover up his tracks by hiding a missing tape. We were all happy that the case was not focusing on us, even if we never wanted to blame a police officer. But to be honest, we can't blame ourselves for that, it was collateral damage.
"I feel bad," Amita says as she takes a sip from her coffee.
"It's either him or us" Constance replies, roller skating all around the house.
"Can't John do something, to make it seem like it's just Claude?" Tammy asks.
"He could say no one deleted the clips, they just didn't think it was important at first," I add.
"Yeah, let's talk to him," Nine ball says.

Hours later he came around, filled with joy and excitement that the plan had worked out perfectly.
"Those sick bastards will believe everything you tell them!" He yells, joyful.
"Can you make them believe that no police were involved?" Debbie interrupts his jumping.
"Wha-why?" he says, almost confused.
"It's not fair that an innocent police officer gets involved." Tammy protests.
"No police will get involved, there is no evidence against one so it's just speculation. The only one going back to jail will be Claude.'' He says. "They will try to interrogate him about who the police is, but since there is no one, he will keep falling in the same hole."
"Poor Claude," Lou says almost mockingly.
"You hate him," Daphne says looking at her.
"I do not!" Lou says defensively.
"You are jealous that he used to be with your girlfriend," Constance jokingly says with air quotes in her hands.
Lou tried to hide the pink coming in her cheeks as her smile crept up on her face, it was so cute.
I couldn't help but giggle as my face burned.
"Just admit it," Nine ball says, puffing her cigarette. Lou slowly walks towards me, I didn't know what she was going to do, everyone was staring at us.
She grabs my waist and kisses me, in front of everybody. Sparkles flew all through my body.
"Wait, you guys are together?" John asks, totally shocked.
"Yes," I say proudly.

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