Chapter 1

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3rd POV

The land had fallen under a terrible streak of horrible happenings. The crops had all died out, for the many rivers and streams around them that had once nourished the soil they grew in dried up. Many of the livestock kept on the farms had been stolen or simply disappeared, and many of the animals that were fair game to hunt seemed to have all moved some place else.

But along with the food and water shortages came sickness, it plagued the people draining them of their strength and their health. And with the sickness came many different storms and with the storms destruction. Fire, earthquakes, and monsters bring the knights away and thinning the resources of the kingdom.

But there was hope, a whisper in the wind. A group slightly famous for their grand adventures and heroic acts. But even more famous for their destructive stays in nearby towns.

But none of that mattered because they were of noble heart and never backed down from a goal.

And so hope was given to the kingdom that one day it would return to its former glory.


Kenma POV

'Why had the king ordered me to the main hall? What is going on, why does he need me? Was it one of my spells, did it go wayward? Please let it not be bad.' Kenma thought, as he walked through the bright corridors of the castle. Honestly if Kenma wasn't so worried he would probably..... still be inside. No matter how nice the weather Kenma liked the indoors, he was happy that he got to work in the castle. It was nice.

As Kenma pushed open the main doors of the hall he noticed the king hunched over papers. Kenma knocked on the wall to make his presence known to the king.

"Ah, Kenma, you are here. Good good, come in." The king said, as he gestured the young mage into the room.

"What did you wish to speak with me about, your highness?" Kenam asked, as he approached the table. The king gestured for him to sit as he placed himself at the head of the table.

"Right, I wanted to speak with you about a group of adventures I hired to find out what is causing this misfortune. And for them to put a stop to it." The king spoke, as he looked up from the papers over to Kenma.

"That is good, but what does that have to do with me?" Kenma asked, as he fiddled with his hands.

"Well, this has to do with you, because I want you to join them on this venture." The king stated strongly.

"What, why do I have to go with them. I am much better suited at the castle where I can't get hurt, and I have the resources I need to do magic." Kenma said, raising his voice as he did so, realizing what he had just said, he quickly apologized and resituated himself in his chair.

"I understand your stress about this Kenma, but I think this is for the best. For the kingdom and for the increase of your skill, any good mage should be able to perform their magic under any circumstances, I just want that for you." The king said gently, causing Kenma to try to understand why his king wanted this. Although he did not agree with that.

"Alright, when should I begin to prepare for this venture?" Kenma asked.

"Right now." The king stated.

"Really?" Kenma stated, flabbergasted that he had to prepare right at the moment.

"Yes, the adventures should be here by nightfall and you must be ready to leave with them as soon as possible." The king said, ushering the young mage out of the room to his tower.

Kenma huffed as he started the trek back up to the mages tower to prepare for the long journey that he had very little time to prepare for.

'What exactly do you pack for a quest?' Kenma thought to himself, as he walked around the tower looking for a bag that could carry the stuff he needed on the trip.

Finding a shoulder bag to hold his books and other magical items, Kenma started to quickly pack away his stuff. Grabbing a few notebooks, spell books, potions, and herbs. He put the bag onto a chair so as to not knock it over and damage his things.

Finding another bag Kenma quickly went back around the room grabbing clothes, medical supplies, and other things he might need while on this trip.

Lifting his head up at a knock on his door, Kenma quickly stood to go see who it was. Opening the door stood one of the servants.

"The king requests you in the main hall." The servant said, stepping out of the way to let Kenma leave the room.

Kenma quickly made his way down the halls and into the main hall stepping over to where the king beckoned him to stand.

"What did you need, your highness?" Kenma said slightly out of breath.

"They are here. The adventurers that are going to save us." The king stated proudly. Just as Kenma was about to say something, the doors to the hall opened and four figures walked in.


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