Chapter 9

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Kenma POV

Stepping out of the inn Kenma was met with the warmth of the setting sun falling onto his face, as he looked onto the streets around him he was met with the sight of children on their parents' shoulders lighting lanterns causing a cascade of colourful light to dance upon the dirt roads of the village. Turning his head he saw your smiling face waving to him as you and the rest of the group waited for him to join you.

Each party member wore beautifully elegant clothes and Kenma wondered if you all brought them or if Tendou had supplied you each with an outfit that fit each of you well. Joining up with the group Kenma was met with a flurry of compliments on his clothes and bombarded with lists and ideas on what you should all do for the evening. (Insert Name) and Tendou got into an argument about whether they should get food first or play some of the festival games dotted along the streets. Daichi, the piece maker decided that the group should split up so that everyone could do what they wanted and that you would all meet up once the festival started to slow down.

That was how Kenma ended up alone with you, his hand clasped tightly in yours as you dragged him to different games. Looking up, Kenma was met with a well-lit tent with what looked like a small river running through it; the river had other flowers floating through the water. The game from the tent was simple: you had to collect as many flowers as you could before the time ran out, and depending on how many flowers you got you could win a prize.

"I am going to get that bear." You shouted out, pointing to the stuffed panda bear hanging on the wall of prizes. Kenma couldn't help but admire the way your face lit up with excitement and determination. Kenma knew at that moment he would do anything to get you that bear, even cheat, but he wouldn't let you know that.

Holding a net each, you waited until the hourglass was tipped over and then you shot down scooping it through the water pulling flower after flower. Kenma, on the other hand, had more difficulty, when he pulled the net up he did too fast losing the flower and splashing himself in the face with water, this happened more times than he would like to admit. Finally, the time ran out, your bowl holding the flowers was practically overflowing, while Kenmas was almost empty and he was soaked head to toe.

Holding your arms out for your prize, you squeezed it before handing it over to Kenma.

"Here I won it for you." You spoke, looking away from him, he was glad you did because then you wouldn't see the blush that took over his face.

Just as he was about to thank you for the gift Kenma was interrupted by a whizzing in the air and then a loud crack, colour washed over your face as you looked towards the sky, and as much as Kenma wanted to see what had interested you all he could do was admire you.

"Come on, let's find a place where we can better see them." You shouted over the crowd, he nodded in agreement as he followed you through the crowds of people looking towards the sky and enjoying the night.

Kenma's legs started to burn as the two of you made your way up the grassy hill, he knew that he didn't get out a lot but climbing up this hill should not have been as difficult as it was. Oh did he wish he had started working out with the guards when they had offered.

Finally, after the ages it took to climb the hill, in reality, it took only a few minutes, the two of them reached the top and to Kenmas great pleasure there was a bench just waiting to be used. So Kenma took the opportunity and collapsed onto the cool wooden surface of the bench as he listened to your awed gasps of the fireworks.

Just as Kenma relaxed into the calm atmosphere that was created around you two it was shattered by your huff of discontentment as the rain started to fall from the sky, sitting up Kenma made space for you on the bench so that the two of you could take shelter under the tree that covered the hill.

"I can't believe this, I barely got to watch them, and now it's all over. I never get to see fireworks and the one time I do it has to get washed out by the rain doesn't it." You complained as you slouched down crossing your arms with a comically large pout on your face. Kenma couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at your childish actions which only worsened when you sent a glare his way causing Kenma to cough to try and cover up the new set of laughter that went through him.

"You know I have been meaning to work on my illusion magic for some time, and this would be good practice for me," Kenma spoke after calming down from his fit of laughter. Looking up at him with wide eyes you quickly nodded your head and motioned for him to start the spell. Moving his eyes from you he focused on his hands before whispering a spell under his breath, and just like that sparks of colour started shooting out from the palm of his hand.

"That's amazing Kenma, when did you learn how to do that?" You questioned, voice filled with excitement as your eyes studied the small shoots of colour.

"It was one of the first things I was taught." He answered back, smiling down at you. Looking up from his hand both of your eyes connected and at that moment Kenma was sure he felt a spark.

"Well, it's amazing, you're amazing." You whispered out, as your eyes flickered across his face lingering on his lips just a moment longer than anywhere else. There was no time to think the two of you started to lean into each other.

Suddenly a loud crack of thunder hit causing the two of you to jump apart from each other. The sky had gotten much darker, the sun had fully set a while ago and the storm clouds blocked out any light from the moon.

"We should get back to the inn." You rushed out, looking towards the sky. Kenma quickly agreed with you wary of anything else that might come from the storm.

Quickly the two of you made it down the hill trying to avoid slipping as the rain had created large puddles of mud and the two of you would hate to have to deal with Tendou if you ruined his clothes. Finally, the two of you made it back to the inn but not after being thoroughly soaked.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kenma." You spoke, making your way up the stairs after you bid the rest of your friends a good night. Deciding you had the right idea Kenma followed up the stairs and turned into his room to process the event of the day.

It was going to be a long night.


A/N: it's done it took me so long, but I got a break in my school work so I finished this, thank you everyone one for reading, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you are all doing great

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