Chapter 5

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Kenma POV

Kenma felt like throwing up. He had breakfast in his tower because he couldn't stand the thought of leaving his room and then having to interact with people while he tried to calm down. Though he didn't want to see anyone today he knew that he would have to deal with people today and tomorrow and the day after that, and however long this whole quest/adventure/task/job/mission would take.

As he continued to think about how much he despised people he was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. Opening the door he was greeted by the face of one of the servants in the castle, they informed him that the rest of his party were preparing to go and that he should go down to the stables to prepare his horse.

Having the servant bring down his bags Kenma slowly made his trek down to the stables, pausing for a moment to look out onto the gardens. As he looked over the garden, memories of you from the night before flashed through his head, feeling a blush spread across his face. Kenma quickly turned away from the window and continued his way down to the stables.

Walking out into the courtyard Kenma was welcomed with a chorus of good mornings as he made his way through to find the horse he would be taking on this adventure. Kenmas horse was by no means a big grand horse like some of the horses he had seen the soldiers and the knights of the kingdom ride, but his horse was also not a small one.

Kenma rode a brown horse with a mostly blond mane with the roots of the mane coming out as black but fading into the blond of the rest of the mane. Kenmas horse was built for speed and agility, which he very much enjoyed on the rides that he went on with his steed, though Kenma liked to keep his visits outside the palace to a minimum he did enjoy taking his horse, who he had named Juno when once the horse was born, he and Juno went on many rides through the forest surrounding the palace where Kenma found many different plants and magical resources that he could research and use.

While Juno usually had light riding gear attached to him, the gear he had on now was quite different in comparison. The saddle looked much heavier and it seemed to be made out of a stronger material than the usual leather saddle that both the rider and horse were used to. Along with the new saddle Juno wore light armour around his face and over his rear. Rested on the back of the saddle were two saddle bags, one that was filled with the normal adventuring stuff and the other filled with magical ingredients, books and artifacts, on top of the saddle rested a ground sheet and a sleeping roll wrapped inside of it so that if it rained it would stay dry.

"You all set there Kenma." A voice shouted over to him from one of the other stalls, looking over Kenma spotted Daichi in the stall across from him attaching his supplies onto his horse. Daichis horse in comparison to Juno was quite a bit larger, the horse was taller and its legs were more built and defined with muscles. The horse was black with white fading into the hooves, and a large white spot on the rear of the horse right around the roots of the tail.

"Ya just checking everything over, I don't want to lose anything while we ride." Kenma responded to the older man, grabbing onto Juno's reins Kenma led them outside of the stables and into the front courtyard where the rest of the group, minus Daichi, was gathered.

Each of the horses seemed to represent not only the job of the group member but also who they were as well. Tendou's horse was like him, a tall lean horse with a fiery mane. The saddle itself was a bloom of intricate designs and patterns, with colourful scarves hanging off from where they had been tied to the saddle. The saddle bags had bright patches sewn onto the all over, each patch was just as colourful as the last and each patch sported a different pattern making them each stand out from the dull brown of the natural leather. Poking out of the saddle bags Kenma could see a few instruments along with what looked like a large amount of clothes, some more extravagant than others.

Akaashi's horse was an entirely black steed with a black mane that seemed to float around the neck and head of the horse. The saddle was a simple sturdy leather saddle with designs of leaves and plants running along the sides of the saddle and around the seat. The saddlebags on the horse also bore the same design of leaves and plants that the saddle sported, the saddlebags were neatly done up so that whatever was inside would not fall out on the journey.

Finally your horse, much like Kenmas, seemed to be born for speed and agility. It was a darker brown horse, one that looked like it could blend into any forest that it went into. The saddle looked much lighter than the saddles of the rest of your group but just as sturdy. Along with neatly done saddlebags a quiver of arrows was attached to the saddle towards the front of the horse.

Continuing on his path Kenma joined the three of you as the group waited on their paladin to join them.

"I hope you have everything, it would be such a pain for us to get going and you realise that you forgot something." Kenma heard someone speak out, it took him a moment to register that the question had been directed at him. Looking around the group to see who had asked him, his eyes fell on Tendou who was giving him a questioning look, before he grabbed the side of his body because you jabbed him in the gut with your elbow.

"Please ignore him, he always does this to the people we travel with. Once he stops acting like a court jester he is actually quite nice." You explained as you apologised for your friends actions. Kenma brushed off Tendous' words and assured you that he took no offence, and that he appreciated someone checking that he had everything, even if it was uncalled for, but he didn't share that part with you not wanting to upset you.

"Well now that we are all here we should head out before it gets too late in the day." Daichi said, pulling the attention away from the conversation and over to him. Moving past the rest of the group Daichi mounted his horse and made for the entrance of the courtyard, following his lead, you and Akaashi mounted your horses, trailing after Daichi.

Tendou mounted his horse soon after the two of you and began making his way towards you before he looked back and gestured for Kenma to follow him. Kenma, taking the hint, mounted his horse, with only slight difficulty, and joined the rest of the party where Daichi and Akaashi were in conversation with the King.

"Now please hurry if this isn't dealt with quickly it could spell disaster not just for our kingdom but for the entire continent." The King spoke with urgency and worry, Daichi assured the King that it would be taken care of and that there was nothing that he needed to worry about.

With that the group left the courtyard entrance and began making their way out of the capitol city and onto the darkness ahead.


A/N: Hey guys thankyou all for reading this story it makes me really happy, I will try to update this more since I have a pretty empty schedule. Sorry if this one is just describing horses I was on a roll, next chapter I will try to add more of the plot into the story. Love you guys and have a good day <3 <3 <3

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