Chapter 2

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Kenma POV

The doors flew open and in walked four figures. Each person distinct with their appearances.

The man on the far left was shorter than most of them, but had a larger appearance as he was covered in bright armour. On his hip was a large sword, with a silver handle, intricate designs across the handle and blade, and opals encrusted into the handle.

Standing beside him was the tallest of the group, he had bright red hair that rivalled the atrocious colours of his outfit. Slung across his back was a guitar, and from what I could see the guitar was painted with gold designs.

The other man in the middle was slightly shorter and had dark hair, and seemed like the most serious of the group. Wrapped across his wrists and his boots were flowering vines, while his robes seemed to flow around him with water.

The last in the group was dressed in a basic rangers outfit, dark layered shirts, dark pants, dark boots and a forest green cloak lined with fur. Strapped on their hip was a quiver of arrows with markings in the leather, across their chest was a string connecting to an intricate longbow.

"Welcome to my home, great warriors, I am glad that you could make it." The King stated, opening his arms in a grand gesture of welcoming.

"Thank you for having us, your majesty." The paladin spoke, as each member of the party bowed in respect to the king.

"Oh, please do not thank me. If anything I should be thanking you, as I do have quite the task for you to complete." The King spoke with great urgency, as he led the group out of the main hall and into a smaller room.

Kenma recognised this room as the war room, he remembered it from when he was an apprentice being in the room with his master while the generals got into heated debates about the best tactic for guards around the castle and tactics against enemy armies.

"Please have a seat while we discuss plans." The King said, waving his hand towards the seats around the tables. Kenma took his seat beside the king while the other four in the room sat across from them.

"Well now that we are all together, I think that it would be a good idea to introduce you all to my mage, Kenma." The King said, as he slapped a hand on Kenmas shoulder.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Daichi." The paladin said, smiling brightly at the mage sitting across from him.

"This is Akaashi our druid, Tendou our bard, and (Insert Name) our ranger." Daichi continued, pointing to each person sitting at the table. Kenma nodded to each of them, but when he looked at (Insert Name) they shot him a smile that caused him to look down at his hands bashfully.

"Good, now that we all know each other, we should get down to business." The King said, standing up and grabbing a map off the shelf.


3rd POV

After the meeting in the war room the king had some maids bring the group of adventurers to the rooms they would be staying in. After each member of the team had settled in, the king sent a butler to each room to invite them to a dinner in the grand hall.

As the adventurers made their way through the castle, they admired the many decorations around the halls, the beautifully made windows, and the extravagant tapestries and paintings adorning the high stone walls of the castle hallways.

"Oh my, the paintings here are beautifully done. And windows are just extraordinary." (Insert Name) stated, as they quickly looked around the hallway not wanting to miss anything. Akaashi nodded in agreement,

"You are right (Insert Name), they are quite nice." Akaashi spoke smoothly, gripping onto his friends shoulders and leading them away from the window that they had glued their face onto.

"You know you really shouldn't touch anything here, if it breaks we most likely would not have the money to pay for it." Daichi spoke seriously, as he urged the group to the grand hall not wanting to keep the king waiting any longer than he had to.

"Oh lighten up Daichi, we would never break any of this stuff you know how careful we are." Tendou stated, as he slinked along beside the group's leader.

"Cave of glass." Daichi deadpanned, looking straight at the bard. Who shrunk away from his friend in embarrassment.

"Well anyways, I think this is a good opportunity for us to solidify our spot as heroes in this kingdom's history, and not just as a band of adventurers who sometimes find themselves in trouble with the law." (Insert Name) said joyfully, as they skipped down the hallway.

"You have a fair point (Insert Name), but what is that little wizard fellow slows us down." Tendou said, from the back of the group.

"Well if the king thought he was going to slow us down he wouldn't have said that he should join our adventure, now would he." (Insert Name) countered matter-of-factly, then turning around to stick their tongue out at the bard.

As Daichi scolded the two for their childish behaviour the group finally had made their way to the entrance of the grand hall.


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