Chapter 11

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Kenma POV

The walk back to the inn was quiet and Kenma felt pretty nervous. The walk back to the inn was nice, though Kenma couldn't let go of his racing thoughts, the memory of you pulling him away from the woman in the market repeatedly replaying in his head. He could have sworn that you sounded annoyed and restrained when you were talking to the woman as if you were trying your hardest not to punch her in the face, though Kenma could never picture you doing that to someone, the more he thought about the more a small part of him believed that you did it out of jealousy. I mean the two of you had almost kissed just the night before, or at least that's what Kenma thought had happened.

Before Kenma realized it they had met with the group outside the inn.

"I signed us out, and paid for everything now it's time to get going," Daichi stated once he knew that the whole group was there and that they were all listening, although Kenma was still lost in his head. He was so lost that he didn't even realize that they had entered the mountain pass until the sun was blocked entirely from his vision by the rock overlapping and creating a rocky canopy for the group.

"Man this is nice, out of the sun I was starting to boil," Tendou shouted, throwing his head back and shaking out his hair causing drops of sweat to fly out and hit Akaashi in the face.

"Maybe if you didn't insist upon wearing fifty layers you wouldn't have to face the risk of boiling." Akaashi snipped back, wiping the sweat off his face while throwing Tendou a disgusted look.

"Ya, well at least the layers stop anyone from actually having to smell me, I mean all I smell from you is dirt, mud, worms, and oh what was that last one? ... right more dirt, honestly Akaashi I would think you would at least try to smell appealing with a face like that. If you did, ladies would like you." Tendou yelled, his arms waving around to help accentuate each point he made in his rant. This only caused Akaashi to shake his head and move closer to the front of the group.

"Least on the last date I went on my ex didn't show up and cut off my eyebrows," Akaashi shouted back, snickering while Tendous's mouth dropped to the floor at the audacity that Akaashi had.

"Stupid Akaashi, stupid dirt man," Tendou grumbled as his horse fell back beside Kenmas.

"You so lucky he doesn't attack you Kenma, all I get is 'oh Tendou you have terrible luck, and oh remember the time you pushed your date into the mud, teehee so silly'," Tendou complained, trying to mimic Akaashis's voice but it was just high pitched and squeaky.

"Did you push your date into the mud?" Kenma inquired.

"Oh ya, honestly it was hilarious. His date's dad did not want them going out, for obvious reasons, but Tendou still had to take them out then they saw their dad and with Tendous's brilliant thinking, he pushed them in the mud so he wouldn't see them together. That was not a relationship that lasted long." You answered, falling into the same pace as the other two.

"Ya well, it's not like you've ever had that many successful dates, well until recently." Tendou quipped back at you, wiggling his eyebrows and making kissy faces at you.

"Shut up, mud boy." You yelled before trotting ahead of the two.

"What were you talking about with their dates recently?" Kenma inquired, looking over to Tendou who only gave him a sly look in return.

"With you, of course, you two paired up for the festival. And then I saw the two of you run off together. It's not hard for us to see what's going on between the two of you." Tendou responded, causing Kenma to fluster under the other man's gaze. This caused Tendou to laugh as he made his way up front leaving Kenma in the back of the group.

The group continued on the path but much more silently as they had been and as they started to ascend the mountain the path got steeper and much causing them to go one by one in a line up the mountain. Kenma could feel himself beginning to grow anxious, not only would a fall from this height kill someone but storm clouds were beginning to roll in. Kenma was sure that he had heard a clap of thunder. And just as Kenmas worries started to reach their peak a streak of lightning flashed across the sky as the clouds opened and let the rain fall towards them.

Kenma was sure he was going to fall now, the wind was wiping by him blowing his hair into his face along with dirt and small stones affecting his vision. The rain pelted down on them soaking through their clothes and allowing the cold to sink deep into their bones, and as the water droplets ran down their faces into their eyes it blurred their vision making it harder to see, and much more dangerous to continue on the path. But there was no room to turn around, there was barely enough room for the horses, so they just had to keep moving and hop for the best.

"There should be a cave somewhere up ahead where we can wait out the storm," Daichi yelled from the front of the group, his voice being drowned by the howling winds and rumbling thunder, so much so that Kenma had to strain himself to hear exactly what their leader was saying at the moment.

Just as Daichi was about to yell something out to the group, a clap of thunder roared and a lightning bolt soared above them striking the side of the mountain just above them sending rocks tumbling down toward them. Then another clap of thunder and another bolt of light, this time hitting the ledge. The horse became spooked and started sounding their resentment to the weather as they began to puck and try to get off the cliff. And then again another strike of thunder shook the ledge, followed b the third strike of lightning.

Only this time when the lightning struck the side of the cliff, the ledge collapsed underneath them sending the group tumbling down the side of the mountain into the abyss below.


Surprise, I am back. Sorry I was so inactive for the past months. This chapter took me a while to write, I got hit with really bad writers block and school and work become so busy, but its done. I will try to get the next chapter out soon but it might take a while again but hopefully not 5 months again.

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