Chapter 4

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2nd POV

Food, drinks and laughter flowed naturally between the small group at the table, and you couldn't be happier. It had been a while since your group had felt so accepted into any town or kingdom. The four of you had been rather notorious for theft, and arson.

So being welcomed into the palace nonetheless, was a pleasant change of pace from the usual way people act around you and your friends. The group moved through the dinner quickly, the tomato soup was nice and warm, and the amount of meat you got was nice. Once the main dishes had been finished the staff of the castle brought out the dessert, a flakey tart with a custard filling topped with all kinds of fruits.

As you enjoyed your tart, you looked over to the mage sitting at the other side of the table, he seemed to be nervous as he fidgeted in his seat, the mage, Kenma if you remembered correctly, finished his tart rather quickly, then excused himself from the table. You watched him leave the room noticing the air of unease around him.

The King must have noticed your wandering stare as he coughed to gain your attention, quickly reassuring you that Kenma was fine and that he was not the most social person and just needed to take some time for himself. Relaxing at the answer you continued to the joyus conversation around the table.

As the night grew on, you started to get more restless sitting at the table. It is not as though you did not enjoy the conversations or the company, it was just you had never been good at sitting in a formal setting for more than a few hours, and even that was a stretch. Finding a reason, you excuse yourself from the table and walk out of the Grand Hall.

Wandering around the halls of the castle you really took you time to admire the architecture and the art of the castle that you had not gotten to really look at before, looking out the window you noticed a large hedge maze with a garden surrounding it, being tempted by the beauty of the flowers you started looking for the entrance to the garden.

Walking along the paths of the garden, the clicking of your heels hitting the stone paths helped to calm the restlessness of your nerves and clear your head from the thoughts of the mission instead you just focused on the colours and the scents of the flowers surrounding you.

Finally pulling yourself from your mindless wandering you realised that you were in the hedge maze, figuring that you could find your way out of the maze later you continued your way through the maze, suddenly the hedges seemed to pull away from each other into one open space.

It was breathtaking, the hedges opened up into a circular stone paved area covered with a white birch gazebo. The hedges and supports holding and around the gazebo were all covered in shimmery green vines with a large array of coloured flowers. In the middle of the mosaic floor was a large fountain, surrounding the fountain were curved benches made of the same stone as the gazebo.

As you made your way over to the fountain you went to sit down on the side of it when something caught your eye. Looking through the fountain's water you saw Kenma sitting on one of the stone benches, looking at him more you noticed how he just seemed to stare at his feet.

Sitting down beside him you placed your hand on his shoulder, quickly retracting your hand when he looked up at you, you smiled at his surprised face.

"Sorry to intrude, I just thought that you might want some company." You whispered, as to not startel Kenma any more than you already had.

Kenma only whispered an ok to your statement, and went back to staring out over the garden.

"It's ok if you are nervous for the trip, that's normal. Especially if you haven't ever had to deal with something like this." You spoke out, as you started to stand up. Kenma looked at you questionly, before you beconed him up and began walking out of the area and into the maze.


Kenma POV

Kenma quickly got up and ran over to you to keep pace with you.

"Where are we going?" Kenma asked, as he followed along behind you.

"You tell me, I've never been in these gardens before." You giggled out, sending him a goofy smile. Kenma felt something in him soften and relax at the look on your face.

Shaking his head Kenma started to walk slightly ahead of you, checking behind him every once in a while to make sure that you hadn't gotten lost in the maze. Kenma watched as you spun around trying to get a good look at each of the plants, as he watched you he couldn't help but notice how the moonlight highlighted your skin and made it seem like you were glowing.

Looking forward again Kenma noticed that they were almost to the entrance back into the castle.

"Alright we're here." Kenma stated, pulling you out of your trance.

"Oh, I guess it is pretty late and we have a long journey starting tomorrow." You replied, only looking slightly disappointed that you had to leave the garden.

Kenma watched as you made your way into the castle before turning around.

Heading over to the entrance to his tower Kenma couldn't stop the thoughts running through his head, but this time instead of thoughts of worry and dread they were thoughts of peace excitement and they were thoughts of you.


A/N: Sorry this chapter took some time to get out exams were rough, but I got it finished a lot quicker than I expected, thank you all for your patience I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

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