Chapter 7

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Kenma POV

Kenma shot up and gasped out from his sleep at the feeling of being shaken, looking over he was met by your face, you were holding up a lantern.

"Come on Kenma, it's time for our shift." You whispered so that you didn't wake anyone else up. Holding your empty hand out to him you stood up and motioned for him to join you. Kenma grabbed your hand and hauled himself up, he expected you to let go of his hand but you didn't you just held on tighter and dragged him over to your lookout point. Lighting a lantern you hung it up on a tree branch beside the rock that you had poached yourself on.

"Here come sit, that way we can watch each other's backs." You started patting the rock, Kenma took the invitation. He felt heat crawl up his neck and take over his face as his hand was enveloped by yours.

The two of you sat like that in silence while you watched the woods, it was quiet for the most part the only sound coming from the whistle of leaves in the wind and the call of owls. It was peaceful and Kenma could enjoy that, but he couldn't help the feeling that something was watching him just waiting for him to look away so that it could get him, he tried to ignore the feeling but the more he looked out into the forest the more paranoid he became. The clearing was illuminated just enough that you could see where the rest of the group was resting and the outer edge of the clearing and just into the thick bundles of trees around it.

The more he looked into the forest the more he felt like someone was watching him, that something was stalking him like prey waiting for him to make the move that would seal his fate as just another animal lost to the wilds of nature. Kenma scooped back on the rock so that his back was right up against yours, he relaxed slightly when he felt your hand squeeze his, that calm he felt quickly turned to a cold sweat when he heard a rustling in the bushes just outside of the light of the lanterns.

Kenma squinted as he tried to get a better look as to what had made the noise but looking at the bushes all he could make out was some shapes of the leaves and some of the reflections they gave off, the shadows the trees cast down upon it, and two stony spheres staring right back at him. Kenma froze, something was definitely looking at him and whatever it was was aware that Kenma knew it was there. Kenma could barely make it out but he could see the creature's lips split open into a grin, a grin so large and so horrific that he knew this thing was not friendly and had no intentions of leaving the group in peace.


2nd POV

You loved this, you loved this time of night where everything was calm and the only things that could be heard were the nocturnal creatures of the night as they went out for food and to go about their normal duties. Usually you would sit and watch alone and as much as you liked to be alone with nature, being able to share this peace with someone else is something that you had always wanted.

The longer that you sat the more relaxed you could feel Kenma becoming. You didn't think that that would be something that would happen, in all honesty you didn't think he would be so willing to help out with things that were happening around your camp but you were glad that he did.

Suddenly you felt Kenma tense against your back and his grip on your hand tightened significantly. This worried you, because if he saw something out there it could put all of you in danger.

"There's something watching us." Kenma whispered out. Right after he said that you heard one of the bells on the outlying posts Daichi set up, then you heard another and finally a third one. You grabbed Kenmas hand and quickly made your way back to the centre of the clearing where you and Kenma started waking the others up.

Just as everyone had woken up you felt something slam into your side and you went flying across the clearing where your back smashed into trees on the other side. Your head was pounding and your ears were ringing so much you could barely make out what your friend was screaming. You tried to see what was going on but it was all blurry, and the more you blinked the more blurry it started to get. You noticed black spots were starting to invade your vision, you couldn't pass out now not when your friends needed you not when they were in danger.

Just as you were starting to push up from the ground you felt your legs being grabbed and suddenly you were hoisted back up into the air, tensing your body you waited for impact with the ground but it never came instead you stayed hoisted in the air unable to see what exactly had picked you up.

Finally your vision cleared but in that moment you wish it had not. Right below your face was a stone troll, its giant head sat on an even bigger body, its complexion was a cool grey that matched its homeland of the mountains, and its face had a huge snarling grin. Just as it looked like it was about to throw you again its head whipped around at the sound of a howl.

The troll dropped you and went over to to the origin of the noise, picking yourself up your eyes followed after the troll to see two more, one grabbing at Akaashi as he dodged easily and the other the ground howling in pain with Daichi moving away from him to the troll that had attacked you.

"Here you're going to need this." Someone spoke as they shoved something into your hands, looking over you were met with Tendous worried expression you nodded and followed along after him.

Feeling what was in your hands you realised that it was your bow and arrows speeding up you found a spot a good ways away from the trolls but close enough that you could still get a good shot on them, taking aim you pulled the bow string back and let the arrow fly.

The arrow hit the troll on the ground in the back of its neck, you watched as its head slumped back onto the ground before taking aim at the troll Daichi was fighting.

Suddenly the troll that had attacked you came right at Daichi, you realised that Daichi was clueless to the attack that was about to happen. Just as you were about to yell out a warning to your friend and bolt of lightning hit the troll, sending him flying and crashing into trees just outside of the clearing.

Following the line in which the lighting came from your eyes settled onto Kenma, he stood with his hand outstretched. He was panting and he moved back to a standing position as he moved towards the troll Daichi and Akaashi were currently entertaining. You watched as Kenma came to a stop behind the troll, setting his feat apart into a stable position and stretching his hand out like he had before, and then another blast of lightning shot out from his hand and hit the troll in the back of the head. Kenma let out a shout of warning as the troll started to fall, Akaashi and Daichi heard his shout and moved out of the way just in time.

Loosening your stance and relaxing your muscles you felt your body start to become heavier, sitting on the ground you felt more and more of your energy dipleate as the adrenaline rush started to fade away. Your vision started to become clouded by black dots and your ears started to ring. Finally you felt your body tip over and you were greeted by an expanse of darkness as you fell unconscious. 

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