Chapter 10

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2nd POV

Sunlight flickered across your room as the wind blew open your curtains, squinting you made your way over to shut the window and block out the sun. Just as you were about to crawl back into bed a loud bang from your door stopped you, peeking through the door crack and you were met with the stern face of Daichi, not what one wanted to see right when they got up in the morning.

"Breakfast, hurry up or we'll leave without you," Daichi yelled through the door. Knowing that he wasn't bluffing you changed quickly from your night clothes into more simple clothes for the day before rushing to the restaurant area of the inn where you were met with the smiling faces of your friends as each of them recalled their adventures from the night before.

"And what did you get up to (insert name)?" Tendou asked while his face was graced with a look of mischief. You felt yourself fluster and stumble over your words as you remembered the events of the night before, this only seemed to entertain Tendou more as he let out a loud laugh at your current state of embarrassment.

"We will need to restock on a few things before we leave," Daichi stated, the rest of your table nodded in agreement as each of you went over a list of items you would need to purchase. Once you had all decided on what you would need, the tab was paid and you each headed out to find what you were looking for.

The streets were packed with bustling villagers, some trying to take down stalls from the festival and others running around town trying o complete their day-to-day chores and shopping. This only made moving through the streets harder as you were trying to avoid soaking your foot in mud from the leftover puddles of the night before.

Turning down an alleyway you were able to catch your breath as you took a moment from the bustling people just a few meters away from you, looking down the other side of the alley you saw an exit into what looked to be the market of the village, just what you were looking for.

The market was a busy place, much busier than you thought it would be considering the size of the town, but not the busiest market you had ever been to. It was nice, to say the least, the quick comings and goings of bored children dragged here by their parents, the shouts of haggling over the price of flour. And of course merchants with invoicing speeches about how much better their product was than the merchants beside them.

Moving through all the chaos you scanned the shops and stalls for one that specializes in the bow and arrow, passing by a herb stall you did a double take as you saw Kenma, and not only that the vendor of the stall seemed a little too close to him then you would have liked.

You felt something bubble up in your stomach as the woman behind the counter leaned in closer to Kenma and brushed her fingers against his arm, both of them laughed at something she said. Moving closer to the stall you wandered around the outside of it as you tried to stay undetected by the two.

"You know you're handsome, are you staying for a while?" The woman asked, leaning even closer towards Kenma. You dug your nails into your palms, the feeling of bile rising from your stomach up to your throat. Looking over to the two of them you noticed how Kenma fiddled with his fingers and leaned back ever so slightly while looking down and away from the woman. You recognized movements as the same ones from the dinner, Kenma was nervous and you needed to swoop in and save him.

"Oh Kenma there you are, I was looking all over for you." You said as you wrapped your arm around him and started to lead him away from the booth.

"Who's this Kenma?" The woman asked, the two of you turned around to face and she looked you up and down with judgment written on her features.

"I'm his friend, and we need to pick something up. So we will be seeing you." You answered, turning around and pulling him away with you.

"Thank you for that," Kenma whispered as he looked towards the ground.

"It was no problem, I would have done that for anyone." You answered back, removing your arm from his shoulders.

"Now, I need to get arrows and my bow restrung." You said, linking your arms together and pulling Kenma through the market.

You wandered through the stalls and shops looking at little trinkets and bobbles spread out across the different tables, and finally, you found what you were looking for. It was a small shop nestled in between an extravagant fabric store legend with pink yellow and orange fabrics—pale silks and glittering sheer fabrics that hung around the stall creating a shimmering curtain around the booth.

On the other side of the shop sat a baker's stall, baskets were filled with freshly baked bread, and other pastries that gained the stall a line as long as the path to the far end of the village. The shop in between the two stalls was a permanent one, the base of it was made of stone while the rest of the building was made of dark wood.

The inside was just what you would have pictured bows hung along the wall while baskets of arrows littered the floor of the shop.

"What can I help you two with?" The shopkeeper asked, looking over at the two of you.

"I need my bow restrung." You answered while placing your bow on the glossy counter. The shopkeeper nodded, taking the bow from you the shopkeeper walked into the back leaving you and Kenma in the front room.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Kenma asked as you started to wander around the shop.

"Light but sturdy arrows." You answered back, picking up arrows and checking the balance on them. Picking up the arrows you decided which ones you wanted and walked towards the front counter as the shopkeeper came out with the bow.

Paying, the two of you left for the inn to meet up with the rest of your party.

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