Chapter 3

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3rd POV

The group finally made it to the grand hall, after a scolding from Daichi. Entering the room the small group was hit with the most delicious scents of food, having travelled across the land for so long it had been a while since they really had any good food to eat.

"I am happy to see that you all found your way down here, I understand how confusing the castle can be at times." The King said as he greeted them, beckoning them to join him at the long table within the room. Sitting beside the King was a beautiful woman with long black hair, that one could only assume to be his lovely wife the Queen. Sitting across from her was the Court Mage, who was introduced as Kenma.

Taking their seats at the table, (Insert Name) sat beside the Queen with Daichi on her other side. Across from her was Akaashi who was seated in between Kenma and Tendou. Once the food was placed in front of them Tendou went to dig into his food, but his hand was simply slapped down as he made sure that each of his friends waited to eat after the King started eating.

"This food is really good, your highness, what exactly is it?" Tendou questioned, as he continued to stuff his mouth with food. Daichi and Akaashi gaped at Tendou, appalled at his behaviour.

"That is a tomato and garlic soup, paired with turkey and roasted peppers." The King answered, chuckling at Daichi and Akaashis attempts to get Tendou to behave with proper table manners.

"Yes, I have to agree this is quite a good dish. I am happy that we are able to share it with such kind people." The Queen spoke, as she kindly smiled at the four adventurers who looked out of place in the glorious hall.


Kenma POV

Kenma fidgeted in his seat, he sat in awkward silence as the other people at the table engaged in conversation and jokes. Quickly finishing off dessert when it came, Kenma excused himself from the table to the gardens of the castle.

Usually the gardens were a place that could calm his nerves quickly and easily, but at the moment it was only a cause for more anxiety. The farther Kenma walked through the gardens the more he got lost in his thoughts and the more he thought about the adventure the more he thought about all the horrible things that could go wrong.

His train of thought was cut off as he walked into the edge of the fountain, and almost fell in. Deciding That it would be best not to continue walking, for sake of avoiding another accident, Kenma sat on one of the many carved stone benches within the centre of the maze-like garden.

Looking around the gazebo-esque area he was in, Kenma noted how the vines grew a little longer on the posts of the gazebo, and how the many beds of flowers seemed to be a little more colourful than the years before. It was as if the plants could sense the hope building in the Kingdom at the entrance of the adventurers.

Kenma felt the pit in his stomach grow at the thought of leaving the palace, he had grown up in a place he never saw any reason to leave. He had all the ingredients for spells, potions, and enchantments in the castle and if they weren't in the castle they could be brought there. And on top of all that he had never been in a combat situation before now, let alone a confrontational one.

As Kenma was spiralling further into his own worries, he suddenly felt someone shake him out of his stupor, lifting his head up and he was greeted with a smile.


Hey I was able to finish the chapter since school is starting to finish up, but the next chapter might come out a lot later since I am starting to prepare for exams. Thankyou for understanding, and I hope you all have a good day.


A/N: This is just a update on the story I will be updating the story sometime in the start of July, just thought I would update you all so that you know I have not abandoned the story. Have a nice day, and see you in July.

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