Chapter 12

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2nd POV

The cliffside crumbled beneath your horses' hooves, it felt like you were frozen in midair and then the wind was rushing by your face, the rain pelted down on you, and all you could hear was screaming. Someone was yelling at you, someone was yelling instructions, but you couldn't hear what they were saying. It was just noise to you. All you could hear was the rushing of the wind in your ears and all you could feel was the air rushing by you as if it was attempting to lift you back up. Everything felt calm and still in those moments and you felt like you would succumb to your fate at the foot of the mountain.

Something hit you, something big and heavy hit and then you hit the side of the cliff, something had latched onto you but that wasn't what you were thinking about, all of your senses came back to you as you tumbled down along the stone hill, getting scratched and poked by any small stone that only slightly protruded from the otherwise flat and slippery stone. Looking around you could see Daichi, Akaashi and Tendou falling across from you. Going to reach out for them you hit a boulder sticking out that pushed in the opposite direction as they fell out of your sight.

Your head smashed against rocks as you continued to tumble the edges of your vision going black as the word slowly started to blur and fade away.

You felt water rushing over you as you shot up to look around you, somehow you had fallen in a stream, looking down you saw small glittering fish darting around you and a rock smeared with blood. Remembering the battering your head took, you moved your hand over your only to feel a small bump under your hair that had been crusted over in your blood. Looking down you thanked the fish before you went to stand, only you could see something had grabbed onto your hand and wouldn't let you up, you looked over expecting the worst only to find Kenma with the bottom half of his body submerged in the water and the top half resting face first on the soil. You looked down into the stream and saw the fish around Kenma looked frantic like they were trying to pull him back into the water, so you helped them.

With a little maneuvering, you were able to get Kenma to let go of your hand, flipping him over you turned him so that now his back was in the stream song with his legs, the fish spread out and then danced around him, the scales of the fish reflecting the sunlight making it look as though Kenma was surrounded by a halo of light making him look ethereal. Blinking his eyes open, he squinted trying to block out the sun from his view.

"This is a little familiar isn't it." You joked, giving Kenma your hand so that he could haul himself out of the water.

"Where is everyone else?" Kenma asked, you realised that you had forgotten about the rest of the group, looking around it dawned upon you that they were nowhere in sight.

"I guess we got separated on the fall down, let's just hope they were as lucky as we were." You answered back, now feeling guilty that they were overthought in your mind.

"We can only hope," Kenma answered back, before looking down in confusion. Following his gaze you saw the little fish bumping into your feet swimming away and then turning back to you and doing it again.

"I think they want us to follow them," Kenma spoke out, looking back up at you. Nodding your head you followed behind Kenma as the fish led the way for the two of you. The fish went on for a while, swimming madly when either of you tried to step out of the water, they only stopped when the stream of water you had been in entered into the mouth of a cave. The fish looked up at the two of you to make sure you knew to follow before disappearing into the cave ahead of you.

"I believe they want us to follow them," Kenma said before he disappeared into the darkness of the cave as well. Giving one last look to your surroundings you entered the cave and were wrapped in the darkness inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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