Chapter 8

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2nd POV

The pounding in your head was starting to become unbearable, and the voices around you were much too loud for your liking. The only thing that brought you any sense of calm was the warm pressure around your hand and the soothing circles that were being rubbed into your skin.

"- up please." You heard a voice whisper into the darkness.

"Please wake up, come on (Insert Name), please wake up, please." The voice called again, it sounded so familiar, so comforting. The pressure on your hand increased and light started seeping into your vision.

It was all so blurry and much too bright for you causing you to squint your eyes to block out the bright sunlight that blared down on you, you could see dark outlines of people from under your eyelashes, you could hear that they were saying things but you couldn't hear them and it only made you groan, rolling over to your side you covered your ears to try and block out the sounds that were causing you pain.

"Get up (Insert Name), you need to eat." A voice called as they pulled you onto your back. Groaning you sat up, blinking a couple of times your vision seemed to clear up, and the ringing in your ears finally subsided.

Looking towards the voice your eyes focused on Akaashi, he was crouching down beside you with a bowl of broth in his hand. Taking the bowl from him you started to eat only then feeling the dull ache in your stomach as it called for food, Quickly finishing the broth you handed the bowl over to your companion as he went to refill the bowl for you.

As you waited for Akaashi to come back you started to look around the surrounding area, the small clearing that your group had settled in was under a large canopy of brightly coloured leaves, the branches were reached over to one another and tangled together creating a dome-like roof over the ground, running through the clearing was a small stream just large enough for the horse to drink from and for water to be collected from. Looking at the water you realised that you were quite thirsty and that the broth Akaashi had given did not help with the need to rehydrate.

You started to push yourself up to go and fetch some water when a hand came down on your shoulder lightly pushing you back into your previous sitting position.

"Where do you think you're going, you still need to rest." Looking over you met Kenmas face as he waited for you to answer his question.

"Water." Was all you rasped out, as you pointed towards the stream. Kenma quickly understood, reached behind him, and pulled out a waterskin, handing it over to you quickly undid the lid on it and put it to your mouth as you poured the cool water down your throat, your body accepting it gratefully. Thanking him you handed the empty waterskin back as he stood up and went to refill it in the stream. Just as Kenma left, Akaashi joined you again with the refilled bowl of broth for you.

Your group rested there until midday when they packed up the satchel bags and cleaned up the camp to get rid of any evidence that your group had been in that area. Daichi was at the head of the group as per usual and set a slower pace, wary of the condition you were currently in. Behind him was Akaashi who kept a relaxed face throughout the ride. You were in the middle with Kenma by your side, the two of you talked in hushed whispers giggling every so often as one of you made a joke. Tendou took up the rear of the group and filled any silence with the sound of an instrument and a song to go along.

"It was amazing, that spell you lit up the whole sky." You exclaimed to Kenma, as the two of you were recounting the battle that had taken place just a few days ago. Kenma laughed at your excitement and leaned over to you. When he leaned over you could see all the details of his face, the way the skin around his eyes crinkled when he laughed at something you said, and the pink tint that covered his cheeks whenever you flustered him with your compliments. He was so pretty, Kenma made you happy and that made you flustered.

After about two hours of traveling, you came upon a small village, usually, when you came across these kinds of towns they were quiet with only a few people roaming around the streets as they went about completing their daily chores and tasks. But this village was different even from afar you could hear the commotion in the village, the loud banging of pots and pans, the screeches of children as they ran around creating whatever game they could think of. The closer you all came to the village the more of it you could see, people were wrapping flowering garlands around tents and booths, they were hanging strings of lanterns above the streets creating tunnels of light for people to pass through. The booths were being filled with all sorts of things from flowers and different clothing and hair pieces to tables full of food being prepared.

Dismounting from your horses you started to make your way through the town to find sleeping accommodations for the time being.

Finally, Daichi found an inn with a stable attached, booking rooms to stay in. Each of you went to settle in before you went out to get acquainted with the town that you are staying in.


Kenma POV

Placing his bag down onto the worn carpet Kenma walked over to the window to observe the bustling movements of the villagers on the streets below. The amount of people in the streets had lessened since they first rode into the town, now it was just a couple of people adding what looked to be the finishing touches of festival decorations. The rest of the townsfolk seemed to be heading into their homes to prepare for the festival.

Kenma was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock on the door, moving from his spot at the window Kenma opened the door to Tendou smiling down at him.

"We need to get you ready. I have some clothes that fit you that you can borrow for the night." Tendou said as he forced his way into Kenmas's room dropping a bag onto Canvas bag and pulling out different fabrics and jewelry pieces.

"Why do I need to get ready?" Kenma asked nervously, originally he was planning on just staying in his room for the night and watching the festivities from afar, that was always what he had done when parties happened in the palace.

"The Lunar Festival, you have to look at least a little presentable." Tendou said blankly as he pulled Kenma over and started placing clothes on his body to see what would look best. Finally deciding on an outfit for him Tendou dropped the clothes and jewelry that went with the outfit into Kenmas arms, packing his bag Tendou sauntered out of the room presumably to move onto someone else in your group to harass.

Putting the clothes on Kenma had to admit that they were quite nice and very comfortable, the silky feeling of the outfit really comforted him as it made him remember summers spent in the lake as a way to escape his training. Tearing his mind away from reminiscing, Kenma focused his attention on the silver pieces of jewelry Tendou left him, slipping on the jewelry. The weight of the bracelets was quite comforting on his wrists and the elegance of the necklace made him feel regal.

"Kenma, we'll meet you outside the entrance alright." Daich called out from outside Kenmas door. Hearing that Kenma stopped staring at himself in the mirror and grabbed his satchel making sure that it had everything he needed inside of it once he was sure he had everything he made his way outside.

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