Chapter 6

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2nd POV

Moving through the capital city took a bit of time but it was nice, when you had first made your way through you didn't really get to look at anything, but now you had more of a chance to observe the surrounding area of the castle. Just like many capitals the area closer to the castle was richer and more well kept. The streets were clean and the vendor area was more well kept and less all over the place, the houses kept up with maintenance and there was a larger guard presence here.

The farther your group got from the castle the more changes you started to notice, not that they were huge changes even on the final area of the capitol where the wealth was not as grand. The streets were still the same as in the upper class area, just a little less kept and the market area was more crowded and a little less organized, the houses here were kept up just as they were anywhere else in the city and the number of guards here was definitely less.

"Wow, the capitol is really well taken care of." You thought out loud not really meaning for anyone to hear you.

"Yes, the King believes that if the kingdom takes care of its people the people will take care of the kingdom." Kenma responded to you, you nodded your head in understanding as you continued on your search of the surrounding city.

Your group soon came to the gates of the city where merchants and other carts and horses, as well as people walking, were moving in and out of. This gate was a tall stone wall with mosaics inlaid into the stone all across it, around the opening of the gates were groups of guards watching over the passing of people.

"Alright if anything happens and we are stopped, just let me do the talking and we should be able to not get arrested before our journey has even begun. Is that understood?" Daichi commanded pulling the group to a slower pace, once everyone stated they understood he picked up the pace back to what it once was.

Looking over at Kenma you noticed how he tensed as your group moved through the gate, you watched him a little longer once you had officially left the walls of the city but it only seemed that some of the tension in his body dissipated while simultaneously he looked even more freaked out.

"You're going to be ok, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, alright." You said softly to Kenma, as you reached over to grab his hand and give it a light squeeze of reassurance he just nodded his head in acceptance before quickly looking in the other direction. Letting go of his hand, you urged your horse to speed up and join Daichi at the front.


Kenma POV

Kenma tried to ignore the pit that formed in his stomach after you let go of his hand, the warmth of your hand left its trace on Kenmas skin, making him start to fluster and as that warmth faded so did the red hue that had made its way up his neck and over his ears and cheeks.

"Well set up here for the rest of the night." Daichi called out, his voice pulling Kenma back into reality. Kenma took in his surroundings and realised that hours had passed.

The clearing they had stopped in was surrounded by a loose inclosure of trees and the farther into the forest you looked the closer the trees became and the thicker the foliage got. The trees surrounding the clearing looked to be quite old considering the size of the trucks, and how the trees seemed to reach all the way into the sky as if they were ancient ethereal gods of the earth.

"Alright (Insert Name) you go collect firewood and then set up the fire, Akaashi you go tie down the horses and get them fed. Tendou and I will set up the perimeter and prepare dinner once it's ready." Daichi announced once everyone dismounted from their horses. Kenma waited until Daichi gave him a task but nobody told him anything and started their tasks. Kenma jumped slightly when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder and give it a slight squeeze, looking over it was your smiling face. Kenma felt his face start to heat up as you kept looking at him.

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