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The sunset was just about to end as the sky proceeded to get darker and darker with every passing minute. Many people on the streets now found their way inside and shop owners began to close theirs stores one after the other. Liyue might be a busy harbor but today, it seemed that nobody was getting old.

Perfekt time for a robbery.
* ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵃʸ ᶰᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵘˢᶤᶜ *

Little ( Y/N ) was hiding behind the corner of a small bakery – completely clothed in black while wearing some swaggy sunglasses.

The kid peeked around the corner and saw the manager of the shop — a 55 year old lady with light brown hair and small, dark eyes – who was putting some of the last pastries displayed at the front to the back while walking back and forth.

As they were only two of them left, ( Y/N ) just nodded at the sight and looked over towards the house on the opposite where their accomplice stood, aka Peke-J. The child gave a hand sign and the black cat went down to business, walking over towards the lady as he let out a small 'meow', catching the females attention.

"Oh hello little one" the woman was now distracted, walking a bit over towards the cat while ( Y/N ) took this chance and sneaked into the shop without anybody noticing. Quickly hiding behind the counter to make sure that the lady was still distracted, the kid then made a run for the table a few meters away where all the delicious pastries were placed on and took the linen bag that they took with them, opened it and carefully placed the food inside.

"Your such a lovely cat! Oh I know, do you want some snacks?" The child Heard the female say as they slightly panicked and saw the woman turning around to grab one of the two remaining cookies at the front.

The female could swear she heard something from the inside and looked from the front of the counter through the shop but saw nothing. She was about to go in and check but then heard the cat meow again and rubbing his head against her leg while a small chuckle escaped the woman's mouth.

"Right Right, here is your snack"

Now distracted again, little ( Y/N ) was hiding beneath the table but just had to cling onto the bottom side of it, because otherwise the woman would have seen them. Now they let their small legs fall down as just their hands gripped into the table anymore, they pulled themself up again and put the last Brezel into the bag and once again, gave a sign to Peke-J, who was in the field of view.

The cat then suddenly jumped on top of the woman, startling her slightly as Peke-J then just licked her face, making the female laugh but also unable to see as she closed her eyes because of this action, allowing ( Y/N ) to yeet themself out of the building again and behind the corner, climbing onto a few boxes that were placed there and then onto the roof.

The black cat the jumping into the brunettes head and then on the roof as well, what slightly surprised the woman but then she just continued to bring the last cookie to the back, but was just greeted with an empty table. "What in the name of Rex Lapis..."

On the other hand, you were just maliciously laughing and patted the head of your cat as you were now sitting a few roofs away in case the lady would notice your presence on top of her shop somehow.

You opened the bag and were greeted by the delicious scent of all kinds of pastries ans other yummy stuff before taking a biscuit and breaking it in half to share it with Peke-J.

If it wasn't for the slight gush of wind from behind, little ( Y/N ) would've just continue to enjoy their sweets, but now they turned around and stopped in their tracks after witnessing the two Amber colored eyes that looked down at them judgmental.

"( Y/N ), what the hell" Xiao said as now also
Peke-J looked up but only stretched his tongue out for a second.

Letting out a sigh, the Yaksha sat down besides the kid who just stared at him with a full mouth of cookies, looking like a chipmunk. "Did you seriously just Robbed that shop? With your cat?" Xiao looked at the black cat who just stared back, while
( Y/N ) couldn't say who of them had more of a grumpy cat.

Not really knowing what else to do, ( Y/N ) shoved some of the sweets over to the male, offering some of the pray so that he would let his little mouth shut about this and not telling Zhongli, because that would mean the worst punishment possible, ergo, no third breakfast. The kid just shivered from the thought.

Xiao just let out a sigh but chuckled shortly after, sitting cross legged while his one elbow was placed on his lower tight and his hand supporting his head in the meantime.

"Well, can't turn that down, can I?"

And so, thanks god, you did not had to live without a third breakfast.

And so, thanks god, you did not had to live without a third breakfast

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Yo Peanuts,
Here you have a quick update ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

But sad news, I don't think that this book will go on
That long anymore.

I already said that I don't have motivation for Genshin lately and even though I already had a few times where I had like 0 motivation, it always was gone after like 2 weeks or something? And now it's for literal month 🥲 so idk let's see how things are going but this is surely not gonna be a 5h book or something.

Well then, see you hopefully soon and have a great day / night <333

~ Author

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