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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is safe and happy.  I was going to wait to give you the Prologue with the first chapter but I decided to go ahead and post this to give you an introduction to Gideon.  I am working on the first chapter so expect that (Hopefully, tomorrow.)  I hope you enjoy this.  I adore all of you.  

-XXX Amanda 


I stared into the rearview mirror as the blue and red lights flashed over me. Chaos was around me and though I had lived in chaos most of my life, this type of chaos was new.

I could hear voices, frantic and muffled but it was the moan from the seat beside me that caused me to grimace as flashes of what had happened blasted through my mind.

Laura, her face flushed in happiness as she drove, her dark hair blowing in the wind from the open window. A flash of light. Tires screeching. Darkness.

I forced my eyes open again, once again staring at my reflection in the rearview mirror that had shifted to me. I twisted my head, gasping as pain sliced through my body, looking at the woman who had stolen my heart with one glance, covered in blood, her body twisting at a weird angle in the seat.

"Laura," I whispered, trying to remove the seatbelt, keeping me trapped in the seat but it wouldn't release so I could reach her.

Another moan reached me as I gave up trying to break free and strained toward her. Metal screeching against metal reached my ears as voices outside the car told me not to move but I didn't listen. I was desperate to reach Laura as a gasp slid from her.

The door beside me gave way flooding light into the car as I touched her face with the tips of my fingers. A man touched my arm, pleading with me to remain still.

"I have to-I have to help her," I cried as tears streaked down my face from the pain in my body and the even more unbearable pain in my soul.

"We'll help her," The man said, gently. "I promise."

I turned staring at him in disbelief. No one had helped her before but me. Why would they start now? Because she was hurt? She had been hurt before and no one had saved her. It had always been me. I couldn't rely on anyone else. She couldn't believe anyone else.

I struggled against him as they pulled away her door. I reached toward her hand, grasping it and holding on as tightly as I could in my weakened state, still pinned to the seat feeling helpless...feeling useless. They pulled her away from me, our fingers unclasping and losing connection. As they did, I knew...I knew it was the last time I would ever see her again. As they pulled her further away...My heart shattered knowing that without her there was no love, no light in this world anymore and I would never feel love like the love I felt for Laura ever again.

Dirty Little Player (Book 4) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now