Chapter Seven/Gideon

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I pulled into Lance's driveway, conflicted. I was relieved to find that Becca wasn't home yet. So, it would be Lance and I alone for at least an hour while Becca finished up work.

I knocked on the door. Lance opened it a few moments later, his white button up shirt open and his blue tie hanging loose. He smiled, always happy to see me. Sometimes, I wondered if he was the only one.

He frowned as he took in my face. "Uh oh...What's wrong?"

I shifted on my feet, wincing because I was going to ask him for something I hadn't asked for since we were teenagers. "I need advice."

His grin tilted up his face. "From me?" He laughed. "I'm honored."

"Can you just let me in, asshole?" I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Hey! Only Asher gets to call me that," he said, chuckling.

"I'm sorry to impede on your bromance," I said, shaking my head. "I can find someone else to ask."

Lance raised his brow. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I want to help."

He motioned me inside and I walked in finding a red bra laying across the couch. "I see you and Becca have been keeping up on your cardio."

His smile softened, causing my heart to pang. I was happy my brother had found the love of his life but I couldn't help but to be jealous sometimes.

He picked up the bra put it in a nearby desk drawer. "What did you need advice about?"

"You can't tell anyone and that means Becca too," I said, twirling the ring on my middle finger.

He tilted his head, staring at me for a few moments. "Okay," he whispered, clearly not happy to leave Becca in the dark.

"I'll never ask this of you again," I said, shifting.

Lance shook his head. "She would understand. You can come to me about anything. Don't make this the only time. I'm simply surprised you came to me." He almost appeared sheepish. "What is it that I can help you with?"

"Carina," I whispered, "She came to my club last night."

"Did you—"

"No," I said, quickly. "But I convinced her that I'm trying to change and she's agreed to hang out with me as friends once a week. The problem is I don't know how to be friends with anyone...Especially a woman."

"Friends, huh?" He asked, his lips twitching into a grin.

I shook my head. "Friends," I said, rolling my eyes. "If you're not going to help me then I'll leave."

"No, Gid. Don't," he said, pressing his lips together. "So, where are you going during this friend date."

I rubbed my fingertips over my forehead. I forgot how frustrating Lance could be when something amused him.

"Coffee or dinner," I said, shifting.

That infuriating grin moved over his face again. "You're nervous." I narrowed my eyes at him and he spread his hands out in front of him. "I'm simply wondering why?"

"I don't know what to say or do," I said, shrugging. "I don't want her to run."

"Oblivious," he said, shaking his head. "Listen, I don't think she's going to run. Just be honest and your natural charming self...Not that fake charm you put on to bed someone but more than that. Let your guard down and tell her things about yourself. Real things...Not just what will make you look good. Be true."

Dirty Little Player (Book 4) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now