Chapter Fourteen/Carina

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Hello, Lovelies,

I hope you are enjoying Dirty Little Player. This chapter comes with a Trigger Warning...There is sexual intercourse and sexual situations. If you do not want to read these things, please skip this chapter. I adore all of you. I hope you enjoy. 

-XXXX Amanda 


I don't know what possessed me to be so bold but I couldn't make it matter, not when Gideon was leading me to the master bedroom of the yacht. His hand was warm in mine as we entered.

My eyes widened, finding a King size bed in the center of the room. Silk wine and white blankets and pillows decorated the bed, matching the walls. The white carpet beneath my feet was thick and plush.

Gideon turned to me, his fingertips tracing my jaw before moving down my throat. His blue eyes were intense as they held mine.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked, his voice husky.

"I want you," I whispered the words, I had not dared to admit to myself since I met him. Now, they were needed more than anything else in my life.

His eyes darkened in that delicious way that caused my stomach to flip. I would have never thought he would have looked at me with so much lust. It caused my heart to speed up and my body to tingle in anticipation.

"I want to worship every inch of your body," he said, reaching forward and caressing my cheek. He kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheeks before pressing his lips to mine. His tongue traced my lips demanding entrance as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me tightly against him.

He gripped the zipper and slid it slowly down my back. The air touched my skin as his fingertips ran down my spine, causing me to shiver. He released me to move his fingertips over my shoulders to push the dress down to pool at my feet.

"Your skin is so beautiful and soft," he said, moving his middle finger over my collarbone. "You're a goddess, Carina...An ethereal being."

He had me under his spell as he pulled me against him again, his lips moving to the nape of my neck. His nose brushed my ear.

"By the end of tonight, you'll know how precious you are," he whispered, "And how honored I am that you are mine."

He lifted me then and carried me to the bed, laying me gently on the smooth blankets. His eyes darkened when I reached for him, wanting to see him the way he was seeing me.

He grabbed my hand, kissing it. "Not yet, beautiful," he whispered. "First, I'll worship you and if I've earned it, then, you can worship me."

I wanted to tell him, he had already earned it but, he backed away taking my ankle in his hands and removing the heel, throwing it on the floor. He kissed each toe moving his lips over the instep and up my ankle.

He did the same for the other foot as I reached for him. He shook his head. "If you keep interrupting my worship of you, I'll have to do something to restrain those pretty hands."

My eyes widened. I had always wanted to be tied up during sex...To experience the sensation of not being in control. My heart skipped in my chest as I reached for him again.

He raised a brow, moving from his position at my feet to caress my jaw, taking in my face. "Do you trust me?"

I swallowed before nodding, wanting this...Wanting to give up control. His eyes darkened as he took in my face, pulling the tie from his collar and binding my hands together before tying them to the headboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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