Chapter Eleven/ Gideon

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I raised my eyebrows as Carina stepped out of the room in the red asymmetrical hemmed dress that showed off her gorgeous legs. Her hair was swept up into a French twist and though she often didn't wear make-up, she wore enough to accentuate her beautiful eyes and her full lips.

I smiled, slowly appraising her. "Do I look okay?"

"If you were going for just okay, you far surpassed it," I said as she blushed.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you say that to all the girls."

I shook my head. "I wouldn't insult you with an empty compliment."

Her smile widened. "I didn't know you could be sweet."

I chuckled. "Only to the people who matter."

She tilted her head as she studied me. "And I matter?"

"You should matter to everyone, Carina," I said, raising my brow. "If they treat you like you don't matter, they are beneath you. It is really those people who don't matter."

"I'm not sure that's true," she said, raising her chin. "But thank you for saying it."

"It is true," I said, staring into her eyes. "And I aim to convince you but for now, let's go view some art."

Her face lit up as she took my arm. I took a deep breath as my heart trembled in nervousness because for the first time in a long time, the perfection of the night meant something to me...Impressing her, meant something to me.


The museum was busier than I thought it would be. The exhibit was a display of famous works in romanticism. My nerves shivered as I glanced at her, smiling at her widened eyes, sparkling with excitement.

"I hope this exhibit is something you like," I said, chewing my bottom lip.

Her smile widened and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "I love all art," she said, her voice trembling in excitement. "Thank you for doing this for me."

I raised my brows because again, she was thanking me for such a small thing. It pissed me off that the people in her life had given her so little that she believed those things were acts of love.

"Carina, you deserve more than this," I said, staring into her eyes. "If someone is giving you this it is the minimum. You deserve so much more."

She raised her brows and I could see she didn't believe me. "I don't know about that because this is great. It's more than anyone else has done."

That statement pissed me off even more. I wanted to find Evan and beat the shit out of him. I wanted to confront her mother and her sister and tell them what selfish bitches they were. Instead, I took Carina's hand.

"Then, those people don't deserve to be in your life," I said as I parked the car.

She was quiet, her hands twisting in her lap. I realized she was thinking of her mother and sister. I covered her hands with mine.

"You have no reason to feel guilty for barring them from your life," I said, softly. She blinked and nodded though I wasn't sure she believed me.

"Well, they shouldn't ruin tonight," she said, her eyes brightening.

I smiled as I got out of the car and moved around to the other side of it opening the door for her and offering her my arm. She smiled taking it as I led her into the exhibit.

She stopped at a painting of two lovers in embrace. Her dark eyes softened as they followed each stroke, each color. Her lips lifted in admiration.

"Do you think love is ever like that?" She asked, softly.

"Romantic?" I asked, raising my brows.

She nodded. "Or is it all faked?"

I tilted my head as I studied her. "Love...True love is always romantic. Even when there's an argument, you would still sacrifice for that person...You still love that person."

She turned to me, her beautiful dark eyes wide. Her lips parted as she took in my face. "You sound like you know from experience."

I frowned. "I thought I did. When I was young, I was with someone... I thought I loved her. I made her my responsibility. She had...Or I thought she had...A horrible home life. I made myself her protector, convincing myself that I could save her...I could prove my love for her."

She took a step closer to me. "What happened?"

I took a deep breath. "She called me one night, claiming her father was hurting her. I raced to her, determined to get her away from him. We were in a car accident and they took her away. I was shut out of her life by her parents but I thought it was only them. I received a letter telling me to go on with my life from her...Laura. I made it seem like I did. I was with a lot of women as you know. Over the years, I heard how she lied and even though I wanted to let go, I didn't because she would write me telling me how much she missed me. I would feel...guilty. I received the last letter two months ago. I didn't want to be the stupid one...Taken and manipulated but I was. Then, I found out she was getting married and it opened my eyes in a way I couldn't deny it. She was never in love with me. She used me and though I am sure I was in love with her at some point that had changed. I wanted to pursue someone else. I was falling for that person but the guilt of breaking a promise to Laura made me push her away and show only the worst parts of myself. I hope that I'm able to show the woman I'm falling for the best parts of myself but I also won't let her accept the mediocre care and love she's used to."

Carina's eyes widened as tears rested within them. "Who is this woman?"

I stepped forward, raising my brows. "Carina, it's always been you. You've been my temptation. You've been the one who broke the curse of that promise. You are the one I've fallen for."

"That's why you've been doing this," she said, placing her hand over her heart. "You want me to fall in love with you."

I shook my head. "Not until I deserve it and I haven't yet."

She glanced around the museum. "When will you know you have."

My lips twitched. "I'll know. But it's not yet." I held out my hand. "I've only earned holding your hand."

She stared at my hand. The truth was out and I was waiting for her to make her decision. She smiled as she reached forward, sliding her hand in mine.

She leaned toward me. "That must have been hard to tell." She tilted her head. "Thank you for trusting me with it."

I squeezed her hand. "Thank you...For everything."

A smile moved across her face as we walked further into the exhibit.

Dirty Little Player (Book 4) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now