Chapter Five/ Gideon

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I stared at the woman sitting next to me in my car. My heart was a mess, speeding up and clenching at the same time by simply having her near me. I shook my head. As much as I wanted her, I realized she would never accept me. My heart clenched again. I suppose this was what the word heartache really meant.

I took one more glance at her. Her hair fell over her face and her cheeks were flushed. The dress was hiked up showing more of those delicious golden thighs than she probably wanted me to see.

I reached over and brushed her hair from her face with the tips of my fingers wondering what had tempted her to drink away whatever problem she was having, hoping I could convince her not to do it again as I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. It worried me that she hadn't cared enough about her safety as she down drink after drink at my club with all forms of dangers around her. The imaginings of what could have happened to her played through my head causing me to shiver.

She mumbled breaking through my thoughts and I unconsciously leaned toward her. "Stupid asshole," she murmured, causing my heart to clench because for a moment I thought she was talking about me. "Evan..."

Who the hell is Evan? Is he the reason for her wanting to drink herself into oblivion.

I narrowed my eyes, my curiosity becoming jealousy and anger. What did he do to hurt her? My hands gripped the wheel hard enough it creaked. Before my emotions could take root too much she stirred, blinking before turning towards me. Her beautiful brown eyes bleary.

"Gideon?" She asked, her eyes narrowed. That awful suspicion clear within them.

My lips twitched trying to cover the pain that she would never trust me. "Hello, princess," I said, grinning when she rolled her eyes and groaned.

"What are you supposed to be? My knight in shining armor?" She asked, wincing.

I chuckled. "Of course," I said, shrugging one shoulder. "And what kind of knight would I be if I allowed you to stay on the floor of my club where any degenerate could have his way with you?"

"I guess you think I owe you." Though she said it under her breath, it felt like a punch in the chest.

I frowned unable to tap down the burning rage and hatred I had toward myself. "You don't owe me shit."

She blinked, tilting her head as she studied me as I stopped the car in front of my house. She turned to stare at my house, her eyes widening.

"What are we doing here?" She asked, frowning.

I sighed, suddenly exhausted. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you by yourself like this. You can either stay in my guest room or call Becca and Lance to come get you."

"I-I don't want them to see me like this," she said, shifting. Her hands were shaking and I could see she was embarrassed.

"Then, you can stay in the guest room," I said, taking a deep breath. "I swear. There are no strings attached. You can even lock the door."

She sat in silence for a few moments before sighing. "Okay."

"Do you need help inside the house?" I asked, raising by brow.

Her cheeks reddened. "I can manage."

I nodded moving around the car and opened the door. She stood and swayed. I put my arm around her waist and helped her to the door. Once inside, I led her to the guest room. She moved toward the bed falling onto it on her stomach. I grabbed a blanket folded at the bottom of the bed and pulled it over her.

"Goodnight, Carina," I said, turning off the light.

A snore was my answer. I chuckled as I closed the door but I knew when she woke up, I may have hell to pay because she would never believe I did this with no strings attached.


Carina woke me by kicking the edge of my mattress. Her eyes were narrowed as she winced in pain as the light from the open blinds hit her in the face.

"Good morning, Princess," I said opening one eye. "I hope you slept well."

"How the fuck did I get her?" She asked, wincing and then, grabbing her head. It was worrying that she didn't remember anything from the night before.

"You know...You really shouldn't drink so much," I said, my lips tilting in a grin. "You begged to come back to my place and do all types of dirty things to me but I was too much of a gentleman and just had you sleep in the guest room."

I expected for her to deny the possibility as soon as the words fell from my lips but she paused. Her eyes widened, horrified. I raised my brow realizing that she believed what I said was possible.

How many naughty dreams had she had about me? What did we do in said dreams?

"I was just kidding," I said, causing her to kick the corner of the bed again. "You passed out on the floor of the club. I wasn't going to leave you there and I didn't know where you lived. You woke up on the way and chose to come here over me calling Becca and Lance to pick you up."

"Fuck," she groaned putting the heel of her hand against her head. "Please don't tell them about this."

I could see the two paths to this clearly. I could be an asshole or be the caring man I wanted to be. I sighed.

"I won't tell them...but I need a promise from you," I said, raising my brow. "Actually two."

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What are those?"

The next words out of my mouth were going to hopefully put me on the right track to proving to her that I wasn't going to be the same man she'd known for the last few years.

"I want you to promise not to drink like that again," I said, concerned that if she had gone anywhere else it would have ended much worse than sleeping in my guest room.

"Okay," she said, her face masked in shame. "What's the second promise?"

I smiled. "That you'll go somewhere with me once a week as a friend."

The second promise was so she would get to know me...The real me and dispel this player image. I had a feeling that my nights were going to be free and lonely from now on and I needed something to look forward to. Besides, I had a sneaking suspicion something was tempting her to drink and I wanted to keep that from happening again.

"Just as a friend?" She asked, studying my face.

"Yes," I said, raising my chin. "A friend."

She stood in front of me, twisting her hands in front of her, contemplating. Finally she threw her hands up. "Fine."

I smiled. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"We'll see," she said, rolling her eyes and jerking with the pain the action caused. "Do you have some aspirin?"

"In the bathroom," I said, glancing down at the blankets covering my nakedness. "I would get it for you but then you'll see something that isn't meant for friends."

Her eyes widened. "I-I'll get it."

I laughed as she left the room. The weight on my chest lifted a little as the thought of Carina near me caused my heart to thrum. I just hoped I could show her the man I really was.

Dirty Little Player (Book 4) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now