Chapter Twelve/Carina

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My thoughts were spinning. Gideon had admitted to falling for me. It should have comforted me that he felt the same way I did but instead, my nerves were jittery.

I couldn't help but worry that he was using me as a rebound. He had obviously cared for Laura, enough to stay away from other women for years. His hand slid into mine as we walked to the next display but my mind couldn't concentrate on the fine details of the painting. Instead, it was on the warmth of his hand and his words.

Those words didn't make sense if I was a rebound. He wanted to deserve my love. He wanted to earn it. I had never had anyone willing to do that for me.

I turned from the painting to study him but his beautiful blue eyes were already on me, taking in every part of my face.

"Shouldn't you be studying the painting?" I asked, raising my brow.

He shook his head. "I should but I think I've found beauty that far surpasses anything in this museum."

"I doubt that," I said, blushing.

"Don't," he said, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

I was so lost in his eyes I didn't realize the voice calling out my name until he was upon me. I turned backing up immediately until I was flush against Gideon's chest. He immediately encircled my waist.

The man in front of me wore a familiar black suit. His dark hair was combed away from his face. His green eyes stared at me with that same soulful expression I had fallen for hundreds of times during our relationship.

"Evan?" I said his name, confused. I never expected to find him here. He hated the museum.

Gideon's arms tightened around me as Evan's eyes moved from me to him. "Who is he?"

I swallowed over the bitter reality that Evan stood in front of me. It felt like some cosmic joke was being played on me.

"My name is Gideon Christos," Gideon said, pulling me tighter against him. "I'm her boyfriend."

I didn't know what to say...If I wanted Evan to believe a lie. Even though I wanted to be Gideon's girlfriend, we were just friends.

"Ch-Christos?" Evan asked his eyes widening. "The lawyer?"

"No, that's my brother," he said, confidently. "I'm the one who owns five nightclubs and twelve restaurants across the state."

Evan straightened as his eyes moved to me. "I hoped to talk to you...To apologize."

My lip curled, upset that he was here, ruining the beautiful time I was having with Gideon. "You have and I hope that's enough for you," I said, raising my chin. "In fact, I'll leave you with this. I don't want to see you again."

He flinched. "I-I thought we could still be friends."

I chuckled. "No. Fuck that and fuck you," I said, raising my chin. "I want you to know something right now. I settled for you. You were never good enough for me. You had your chance and blew it for a woman who always chases after my leftovers. Now, kindly leave. You are ruining my date."

Evan's face reddened as he turned, stomping toward the exit. "Oh and Evan?"

He stopped not turning toward me. "Congratulations. I heard you're going to be a father."

His back straightened before he continued his trek toward the door. Gideon started laughing. I turned to him, raising my brow.

"You handled that beautifully," he said, caressing my cheek.

"Thank you," I said, proud of myself more than I had ever been. "And you...You're my boyfriend now?"

His grin widened and I could see some of that mischievous spark in his eyes. "Only if I've earned the title. After how you handled your ex, I think you know whether I've earned it."

"You've cared about me when I was alone and hurting," I said, raising my chin. "You've defended me. You've loved me when I was falling apart. You've cared about my interests. You've earned it."

"You're not going to say you love me?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

I smiled. "No...You haven't earned it yet," I said, raising my brows. "But I do think you've earned more than holding hands."

I moved into his arms and put my arms around his neck. His brows shot up as I pressed my lips against his. My heart leapt as I started a relationship with the man who had placed his heart in my hands. I made a promise to myself that I would be gentle and cherish him even if this didn't work out.


Gideon walked with me through the museum, staring at me more than the pictures. I had never felt more beautiful, surrounded by beautiful art. As we left the museum, he lifted my hand to his lips.

"I realize it's late but I have arranged something else," he said, grinning.

"I don't know how you can top this but I'm curious," I said, smiling as his grin widened. Excitement lit in his eyes.

We walked to his car and he opened the door. He drove toward the ocean, his fingers drumming nervously on the steering wheel. Wherever he was taking me was important to him.

We stopped near the docks and he ran around opening the door before taking my hand.

We moved down the dock toward a yacht swaying on the waves. He grinned as we went aboard.

"Is this yours?" I asked, raising my brows.

He nodded and took a deep breath. "I bought it a year after meeting you," he said, causing me to frown. I wondered why the timing was significant. "I think you should look at the name."

I moved closer, my eyes widening as I took in the curved lettering on the side of the boat. The Carina. He had named the yacht after me.

"Boats need names for good luck. Most people name them after the people who mean something to them," he said, facing me. "You have always meant so much to me...So much that I chose your name to keep me safe."

My mouth parted in surprise as my heart tripped in my chest. "Oh, Gideon," I said as tears rested in my eyes.

"I wanted you to see it...I wanted you to know," he said, cupping my cheeks. "I want you to understand that this hasn't just happened. I've cared for you for a long time."

The tear dropped down my cheek. "I hope those are tears of happiness."

I nodded. "They are," I said as my lips pressed against his. He pulled me toward him deepening the kiss and I knew that even though I had fought it, I had always cared for him too.

Dirty Little Player (Book 4) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now